

Wooden cutlery, self-standing butter knives

2008-10-05 17:10:25 | Weblog
All yesterday was taken up by going to our another house
in Musashino-shi, for airing, and generally looking
after it. Our daughter may be living there in a few years' time...

I also trimmed a few trees in the garden. I will be going
our mountain cottage on Tuesday, so there will not be any logging
for some time to come.

In fact, for that reason alone I was desperately working out
my work schedule for the coming fortnight. I had to take my wife
to her regular, but otherwise I concentrated on the design.

There are things I need to do with the bootsholders, but I can
do that once settled in our mountain cottage, when it is rainy
to while away the time...

The first image below is a failure...

It is simply the matter of where the centre of gravity is...
Add-ons shown above were not heavy enough. The following schematics
might give you an idea. The CoG has to be somewhere along the

horizontal arrow. The best position being at the forward end of the
stem covering.

What I came up with eventually as satisfactory is shown
below, two images. You can see a stubby covering and that
was not heavy enough...

So, my intuitive view was to elongate the covering, as seen
here. It works alright...

The angular separation thus reached was more than a glancing
angle, just enough for confident handling of the butter knife...

This? This was originally the template for my yogart spoons,
but its concave area is not symmetrical, and my idea was
to tunr this into more pronouced unsymmetrical shape.

I did not have time..., perhaps I will do that while
staying at the cottage.

So, the rest of the time today was spent on quasi mass
production of butter knives.I will need to fabricate a lot more than these, of course.

Above? Redundancies, yet again, 18 of these thin pieces
out of 9 butter knife candidates. I will turn them into
heavy duty stics. I just cannot waste these precious

oak pieces.

I was happy today, trying out new things, trying to
step into the world beyond my normal horizon...

Next target? I have self-standing tea spoons and
nattou mixing chopstics, those which will not fall over
with their own weight while being stuck into the

container on the table...

パエ-リャ 114

2008-10-05 17:10:01 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Bien?

Aqui hoy hace byen tiempo, no mucho calor, sin embargo...
Faltando un solo dia antes de que voy a la casa de
naturaleza en la montanya

Ahora, vamos...

Pongamos por caso ese proyecto!

Que harias en un caso asi!?

En el peor de los casos ire a pie!

Llegado el caso ire a Mexico!

Es un caso aparte, no!?

La verdad, yo le podria haber dicho algo mejor...

pero, tampoco era para que ella me diera esa respuesta...

yo que no, y ella que si...

Ponte los zapatos!

Nadie comio nada!

Nunca hice ninguna pregunta tampoco al maestro!

Conchita, basta con esto no?
Aqui ahora la lengua inglesa...

Sorry to disappoint you, but DK...

Will you tell us what you are driving at!?

Put it down and stand back!

I have not got the slightest clue!

We are all here for a purpose!

Hang on to this, please!

I will give you one minute look over the contents
of the bag!

That is why I am here to help you!

Find out for yourself!

DK, yes, certain aspects of it, yes, ...

I must be on my way now

What do you expect of me to do!?

It just vanished without a trace!

Conchita, I go now...

Take care!