

Wooden cutlery, contact free butter knives

2008-10-06 16:48:16 | Weblog
I did not go anywhere today, just concentrating on the
immdeiate work I had. That does not mean I achieved a lot.

In terms of the volume I should think that I achieved less
than usual, mainly because it was all stop and go, with
thinkings in between.

See the first image below. It may be difficult to see
the details, but with this one the stem of the thing
is right through the stem cover.

Following schematics should help clarify things.

Until mid-afternoon my stem end configuration was just like
with A, the stem end stopping halfway down the stem cover

Is this right? That was my question. For a start you have to
round the end properly to fit into the trench shape.
Secondly, it does not look right, somehow...

So, I opted out for B and the image above reflects just that.
Naturally, once the stem end is firmly fixed in the trench
all kinds of shaping is conceivable, and C is just showing you

one of the possibilities, with the large blue dots indicating the
stem end.

What is immediately shown below in a bag is today's output.
Pitifully small in number, but there you are...

What then follow are those I will be taking to my mountain
cottage tommorrow for finalising the details. I will be
doing that only when it rains.

Otherwise, I will be making myself busy with other things.

Right now, I have distinct feeli that I may have to rethink
about the stem end configuration of my butter knives.
There may be better ideas... I am prepared...

パエ-リャ 115

2008-10-06 16:47:55 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien?

Manya-na en esta hora yo estare en la casa de naturaleza
en la monta-nya...pensando de ti...
Hoy aqui hace lluvia ligera...

Vamos? Bueno...

Se me paso el dolor!

Ella acabo dejandome!

Ella siempre se pone de parte del que mas se rie!

A la hora y media se le paso la risa!

Nadie se ha reido nunca tanto de nadie como Conchita

de mi la otra tarde!

Yo siempre tengo que acabar haciendo lo que me dice cualquiera!

Ella se estaba aburriendo!

Lo unico con lo que se le podria pasar el aburrimiento fue DK...

Ella decia que era la princesa!

Entonces ella me echo en cara que DK!

Conchita, basta con esto ahora, no?
Dede aqui el la otra lengua...

Well, that does it?

It is nothing like you have ever seen!

I duplicated it, triplicated it, and yet ...

That is all in due time!

Louder, please! This connection is horrible!

I would not go through that for anything!

Do not bore me with details!

Only time will tell!

You are always on my mind!

something that is always on my mind

Conchita, this should sufice. I go now and take care!