

Wooden spatulas, going mad,

2008-06-19 16:50:55 | Weblog
Today started taking my wife to Kamakura for
her regular gathering with friends.

The first thing I did upon returning home was
to sort out my redundancies. My guesstimate is that
with a particular wood I am going to show you below,

I probably have close to one hundred of them...
These shown here are only part of what I have got.
They have been cut to the same length.

They were selected because I saw that there were
forks intrinsic in them, that is, if I make a little
effort, unwanted mass can be removed, and out emerge

my little forks!

However, redundancies come in in two more tpical
forms. They are shown below.

These make me think, twice over... Am I going to do
anything at all with these? If so, what the hell am
I going to do?

Take a look at the following illustration.

I am obviously thinking in terms of two small SPs and
two spatulas. But, is this not ridicurous?

If you make one SP, you then get two side redundancies.
What I am trying, (really?) is to produce four more
small pieces. Am I going mad? I think I am...

Anyway, part of what I did today was to round the
edges of dark walnut spatulas, as shown below.

They are not complete yet, need sandings and for
that matter, those I made yesterday and the day before
are not complete either, wanting sandings.

On top of those, there are those fork embryos I made today,
as follows I must be going mad!

For the next few days, I am not going to cut materials,
nor am I going to to do heavy sanding work. Weather is
expected to be rainy and I will dig in in my workshop and

only do light sanding work. I will then move on to
my piker knife forks, I think...

パエ-リャ 29

2008-06-19 16:50:40 | Weblog
Conchita, ahora entonces, vamos!

Let's drink to dounokouno!

I think I know what it is...

The point here is "I think"...
You do not need to add this, but ...

at the very least (副詞句)

She had a tiff with her partner!

She feigned to be asleep!

Let's ease up!, Let's take it easy!, Let's relax!

She averted her eyes from dounokouno!

Let's have them over for a dinner!

There is a surveying work going on!

It is very much a favourite with those people!

Some of them are quite off-putting!

Load of rubish!

We must try what better way (that) there is!

I would like to see photos featuring dounokouno!


I always enjoy reading books!

Conchita, enough for now and ya me voy!
Take care!

Wooden picker knife forks, spatulas

2008-06-18 16:40:10 | Weblog
Most of today's work centered around this.

They are getting there, albeit slowly...
There are 39 of them to process through to the end.

Additional work for today is shown in the following two images.
They are now ready for coating.

The style to which I work with my pieces is not
established. I may be working on something alongside
something else, typical with me!

Now, take a look at this.

These are also redundant pieces, left over from walnut,
during SP formation. These are being formed into spaturas as well.

My nearly conclusive gut feeling is that SP
formation is inherently related to fork formation.
I cannnot pinpoint the reason, but it is there somehow.

Now, take a look at the following illustration.

In it, above, that is A, is an ordinary picker kife,
fine, I could make them, of course, from redundancies.

However, what about picker knife forks!
B and C are my ideas. They all have sharp edges and
prongs. Never seen anything like these, really.

I paticulary like the last bi-edged pickers. What do you think?
Of course, they will be formed more narrowly...

With any luck I may be able to kill my time for
anything up to 3 days?

パエ-リャ 28

2008-06-18 16:39:55 | Weblog
Conchita, vamos

I keep coming back to this particular expression...
I like it, two reasons, really.

One, I picked it up during my interview waiting room at
Oxford University. One British student came back from his and
said it to his frineds there.

Two, it is perhaps relatively unused, I may be wrong,
but it gave me an impact.

It makes me think I am not wanted!

Next is from my recoolection of the letter (eventual)
that came to me from Oxford.


I am afraid that we could not persuade ourselves
that you might merit from becoming a member of ...

Now, I had fared very well, with the exams I sat,
alone, supervised alone, and that without having
seen the past papers for Oxford!

Nobody can ever enter Oxford without going through their
past papers! I had ordered some through my teacher, but,
he had forgotten about them!

I would be rambling on!

It was like a scene from a film!

If I may interrupt you there, dounokouno

dounokouno, and all the rest of it!

It is a defeatist view!

Let us focus only on dounokouno!

Crush a garlic!

Did I hear you say anything? (something?)

Let us drink to dounoouno!

Conchita, this should suffice for now!
Take care!

Where do I go?, from here...

2008-06-17 16:55:17 | Weblog
I faced up to the day, not exactly knowing what to do.
In fact, I woke up at around 06:30, with the early morning
sun shining into my bed room.

It has been a long day, and it tortured me a lot. So,
I went out on a bicycle, again, not knowing where to go,
really. I only ended up in purchasing a packet of sandwiches

for my lunch...

If I had coating to do, during the morning hours,
that would have been easier, of course, but then, ...

Am I enjoying what I have been doing? I am no longer
sure... How the hell do other people of my context
spend their times, I just wonder.

House wives seem to be faring much better than us, men.
After all, they have been used to it, ..., I think.

Anyway, I picked up myself after a while. Take a look at
the following.

I decided to spend my time of today, reproducing a
lot of the fork, seen at the far end of this image.
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that

they are of the same length. What folows is showing you
the interim process, in terms of pencil markings on the
redundant materials.

They are then subjected to the process of forming the
gaps, as shown below, by my milling machine.

At this stage in time, the only major operation on the
pieces is the incisions made, as can bee seen, not too well?

You may see better in the following, what I mean.

I thought of not employing a top profile template,
but, in the end, I made one, the shape of which
were transcribed as you may see here.

It takes a long time to complete this process, and
that is welcome, because I simply need to kill my time off.
Silly?, I know...

Anyway, this is what I have got at the end of today, looking
very ruffled, but then, I cannnot help it. These are very
coarse materials.

What is slowly sinking into my mind is that I am
probably facing the near impossible situation, of,
having so much redundant materials to work on.

For instance, what am I supposed to be doing with all these
redundant pieces? It is like a nightmare!

If I make one SP, I then end up with two redundancies!
Today's new fork business alone, I am talking about
40 of them! 40 forks to be given away, fine in itself,

but, then what?..., It really makes me think!

パエ-リャ 27

2008-06-17 16:55:04 | Weblog
Conchita, a ver...

OK, let us start with this!

On the rare occasions I do, it all goes wrong!

If you are heading into town, dounokouno...

in this day and age!

We only have a skelton staff at the moment!

It is only cosmetic, is it not!?

We are expecting some rain by evening...

You would be forgiven to think dounokouno!

Condensation is building up in the ceiling!

Can't be done!!!

What is that for!?

So you should be!

He missed out on that!

He missed out on the cakes!

I am feeling a bit low at the moment...

It should not take long with me!

Hey!, there is a deadline to be met! (You know that!)

Girls now are promisclous!

(mis spelling possible here)

It is good, but only just!

Conchita, ya me voy. Take care!

Wooden forks, spatulas, SPs, wood turning

2008-06-16 17:27:43 | Weblog
Today started with this box. It has been there, by now,
for some 3 years. I knew what the box contained, though.

All these redundant pieces are birches, and I happen to
love birches. So, the real issue is how to make use of them.
At the moment, I do not know. They are pretty hard, but

when coated, they look gorgeous!

Part of today's work is shown below.

They have been sitting on my desk for such a long
time, wanting to be worked on. So, took the pleasure
of doing so. They are long, at somehing like 300 mm, or longer.

Unique feature of these is that they have cavities,
shallow, naturally, but they are there. Something
you do not find with similar things on the market.

My biggest problem, in the wake of the closure of
K's shop, is that I do not know what to do with my time.

I have been making forks and their variants, as you will see
shortly, but that is not enough, to kill my time, everyday,
amounting to something like 5,6 hours.

Broadly speaking, I have a gut feeling that now is the
time to sort out a large amount of redundant pieces.
I have been doing just that with forks etc etc.

Take a look at this.

Most of what I do is related to SPs and chopsticks. As far as
I am concerned, even forks are SPs, because to profiles look the same.

I have been fabricating SPs, and forks of various lengths, sizes,
all producing side bars, as I sometimes call them, and they
are the pieces you cut out fro the main SPs.

They come in all sorts of thickness, size, length, and width.

These two prototypes bear that out. Are they acceptable, at all?
If so, I have a lot to work on, because the next pic is
showing you a large number of such side bars.

All that apart, I worked today with the ongoing mini

This last image, showing you some spatulas, oak.
They are lovely!

Anyway, my additional gut feeling is that after
all these clear up operations, I will return to
SPs, and big cavity SPs.

I have never turned SPs using my lathe, but this illustration
is showing you how it might be done.

My deep cavity will be inside a square block, initially,
and that portion is chucked by my Talon, then turned inside,
stem cut out, conevex at the bottom, sanded off,

something like that...

パエ-リャ 26

2008-06-16 17:27:27 | Weblog
Conchita, vamos a ver...
Let us start with this.

Funny you say that!

Keep an eye on this, please!

It is less than obvious that dounokouno!

We worked together on dounokono!

There is no easy way out!

そうじゃないわ! (勤務態度とか、性格、その他)
you are not as much dounokouno as you could be!

I think it is fair to sat that dounokouno!

They did it, regardles!

If you do not mention it, it might go away!

Conchita, ya me voy!
Vaya con Dios!

Forks and forks and forks, wooden

2008-06-15 19:14:08 | Weblog
Today continued with forks, different kinds of wood.

Typical output is as follows.

Of these, reddish looking ones are from some kind of
tropical wood, I do not know what it is, something
I had purchaed long time ago at Tokyu Hands.

Dusts and bits left at the milling machine show you
how red this material is, as follows.

What follows are mostly walnut, deep brown.

What follows must be today's highlight. They look like forks,
but they are destined to be something else. I will further
think about eventual shapes.

These are of the same length, so, I must have had a good reason
to do the cutting to the same length. Besides, these are from
some kind of birch, and I like them, very much.

The only poblem is right now I do not know what I shuould turn
them into. Any ideas?

My current and instinctive thinking is I could turn them
into pickers, or small butter knives. Either way, I will
have to cut each of them into 2 pieces, as they are at the

moment. too thick for anything useful, or realistic.