

パエ-リャ 25

2008-06-15 19:13:52 | Weblog
Conchita, vamos!

We will find a taxi further along!

That will be a drop in the ocean!

That is all very nice, but dounokouno...

You would not expect the likes of him to do dounokouno!

I think it is a side issue!

Dusts collect on the windows and things!

Oh, I cannot be bothered! I will walk around until
I find it!

I would like to make a point that dounokouno...

Please hold up your membership card!

If you have a reason for being here, ...

They were found within 4 days of each other...

I would simply say what is expected of me!

There is a lot of truth in what you said...

rightly, or wrongly, ...

Conchita, ya me voy! Take care!

Regular and anti-regular grains, Dutch ovens

2008-06-14 17:10:39 | Weblog
I now have thirty odd folks, made of oak,
almost all of them...

They all look nice, at 140 mm length. With all these
small pieces, both top and side profiles are formed
by my disk sander.

You could form top profiles, using a jigsaw, but it
is quicker to use a sander. The most problematic
process is cutting into the rectangular block of wood

with a rotating rooter bit. A schematic is shown below.

In A, here, the blue disk is the crosssection of the bit,
red line showing you the rotational direction and the bit
is advanced into the workpiece by rotating a handle.

Now, all woods have regular and anti-regular grain
patterns down the whole length of the trees they come from.

To all intents and purposes you simply do not care, which.
This is because if the blades on the bit are cutting along,
say, into the regular grain direction, and in this illustration,

top dotted lines. The lower dotted lines are inevitably
anti-regular, with respect to the blade rotation.

So, altogether, you have ruffled surfaces as shown in B
of this illustration. A big red arrow is popinting to
these ruffled bits and pieces.

You must remove them, carefully, and what is bellow is
showing you how I do this operation.

Can you see a half white and half dark piece? This is my
jig. I glued a piece of my sanding paper on top of a thin
slice of wood. This is pretty effective, because the mass

you want to loose is very limited. The folks here are
half way to eventual completion, but not just yet, even with
those in the first image of today.

The crotch areas will have to be rounded, you do not need to,
but, that is my obsession, anyway, with another of rotating
bit, a ruby sander bit, shaped like a rugby ball.

With my wife away in Abashiri, I did not know what to
have for lunch. So, I decided to set up my Dutch oven, as shown
below, for baking potatoes and an onion.

I meant to have them for lunch, but in the end I had them,
just before the raven's song! Insertion of a simple iron
bar made dramatic changes, as follows.

All this mess, and wasted time! With my clay stove, the air
intake was up against the wind, fine, but my Dutch oven
sitting squarely on the entire rim of the stove, there was

no effective air outlet! This piece of iron bar was of
great help in increasing the temperature!

So much so, my onion, shown below, has effectively evaporated!

You can see the outer shape, but there is nothing in it!
Potatoes survived the heat increased, and tasted OK, a bit burnt.
I will need a mesh at the bottom to stop direct contacts!

What shall I do tommorrow?

パエ-リャ 24

2008-06-14 17:10:26 | Weblog
Conchita, ahora, vamos!

depleted service

stopping trains

She was making overtures to me!

It is a toss-up whether dounokouno!

Can I have the change in stamps?

This road is impassable!

学校、いつ始まるの? (休暇のあとで)
When do you go back to school?

I just thought it was worth a try!

when I got into a taxi, ...

Do you know the whereabouts of dounokouno?

What is particularly nice about it is dounokouno!

Never that!

Keep moving, keep going, please!

Go straight along until the road divides and
take the left forlk!

Let us ask! There is no harm in it!

sequential still videos

Keep your hands off that!

leave it!

Conchita, shall we call it a day?
Take care!

Tape magnets, magnetic monopoles, wooden folks

2008-06-13 16:46:44 | Weblog
Today, my wife flew to Abashiri, so I took her to
the station in the morning. Then, I dashed off to my
DIY shop to buy magnets.

What follows is showing them, belt magnets? What they are
is this. Ferrite magnet particles are embedded in band like
synthetic structure, at least, that is what they say.

I bought this for a good reason. The disk magnets you see
alongside of it sets you back by JPY 250, at the force of
0.15kg. In the meantime, the belts can be had for JPY 550,

and on top of that, the force is 0.55 kg from a stamp size
belt (yo must cut it out yourslef, of course). Naturally,
I tought that this was very economical, because you can

cut out a larger number of smaller pieces for your projects.

However, this was not to be!

I expected a lot of repulsive power, but these belt like
things attract, but not repulse! OK, those sides with a small
white seal are supposed to be the attraction side.

You would then expect that the other sides will repulse each
other. It did not happen. They still attracted each other,
not as attractive as the sealed sides, but they do attract!

What kind of animals are they! Magnets having only attractive
property! I am a physicist, so I know that magnetic monopoles
do not exist. If you found one you would automatically get a

Nobel prize for it. They are behaving like magnetic monopoles!

What follows is my guess, not complete and in fact, there is
a contradiction in what I say, but anyway, there it goes.

These schematics are showing you my current thinking.
I am likely to be wrong and I stand to be challenged.

My initial thought was, "How the hell on earth are they made!"

My guess is that magnetic allingment is used in forming these.
Most of tiny megnet particles are alligned along the magnetic
lines of the enorcer magnetic field. (External magnets)

during the slolidification process. However, not all the particles
conform to the external magnetic lines and as they are gradually
fixed, solidified in random order, almost isotropically.

My difficulty comes in right there. If they (tiny magnets) are
statistically distributed in terms of orientation their attractive
and repulsive powers should cancell out.

In B of the illustration, the narrower srrows should not be there!
leaving the other ends of the wider arrows with the repulsive ends!

In reality, it is not happening, at all! Anyway, I would be rambling on!

What follows shows the stem curvature. I think
this is abour right. Somehow, today's majority output
has gone into the image right at the start,

and the very last one is showing you those whose edges need
to be rounded. In reality, even those in the very first image
need to be perfected around the edges.

So, I will be busy tommorrow, too!

パエ-リャ 23

2008-06-13 16:46:24 | Weblog
Conchita, here we go!

You can look across, from here, to that house!

Though you would not believe it, today dounokouno!

What kind of a bad joke is that!

What kind of a bad taste is that!

You clear away the mess from the dinner party!

She would not budge!

Timber tends to rot away!

Keep the motor running!

He went off to look aound!

ドウノコウノって、おかしいわね, 変よね。。。
Funny (that) dounokouo...

As you may have noticed, dounokouno...

It is money well spent!

It has to be said as a matter of historical
fact that dounokouno!

I make no secret of it that dounokouno!

Conchita, I go now. This should suffice for today.

Folks and naturally curved redundancies, knives

2008-06-12 16:09:43 | Weblog
Where shall I begin?

Today was part spent on taking my wife by car to Kamakura,
early lunch as usual. rain continued and I did not really
know what to do.

So, I continued with refining of the remaining artefacts,
image not shown.

My perrenial problem is shown in the following image.

These are the remnants of my SPs taken out of oblong
and rectangular blocks of wood. I will show you where they
actually come from, as follows.

They are the areas outside the area SP, cut into two, of course.
An additional problem is that with each SP, two redundant
pieces are produced.

I work mainly with chopstics and SPs, occasionally with
cups and saucers, and plates. With all of these, except
SPs, I have no problem of redundancy.

As a matter of fact, a lot of mass is wasted with plates and
the like, as I turn them.
That s why I do not go for them, these days.

With chopstics, there is verry little to be wasted.

I reckon that over the last two months or so I have produced more than a few hundred SPs, varying in size and length, and top profiles, but,
they are essentially the same, really.

Say, 200, then you are talking about 400 of these redundant?
pieces. And, I do not want them to be redundant, at all.

Also, as you see in the illustration, you have these
naturally curved structures. (shown in red)

What you see below might be one answer.
This is a folk, only two pronged. It does not look very
impressive, but actually it is nicely shaped in its
side profile.

This was formed out of one of the pieces you see in the first image.
Curvature has been inherited and naturally, unwanted mass
taken away. I think I will go for these, from tommorrow.

I occasionally think of them, in terms of reproducibility
for sales opportunities, but if you are going to give
them away, you do not need strict reproducibility.

And, I have got, probably, more than 300 of them,
in various materials, this particular one being oak.

I have got American black cherry, and a few more.

Sometimes, I end up with thin and flat redundancies,
as shown in the following image.

I made, today, that is, what is shown below such a
redundancy, into a small knife?, or knife like object.

This sort of thin and flat redundancies come from
cutting larger pieces of wood to my desired widths.
Yes, they are left-overs, not conforming to my

widths. Again, reprodcucibility of the same thickness
is not guaranteed, simply because initial wood thickness
(widht) varies.

However, yet again, if I am going to produce something
out of these as gifts (to 20 odd girls I am close to) it should not
be a big problem.

One of these days, I will be starting to talk about chopstics.
What is shown below is a starting point, or, very nearly.

The cross section of this is a square, down the whole length of it,
but you may see that it is slightly tapered to one end.

I will come back to this image and beyond within,
hopefully, within the next few weeks.

パエ-リャ 22

2008-06-12 16:09:26 | Weblog
Conchita, ahora entonces, vamos a hacerlo!, para ella
-> paella, y para ti!

What an abrasive way of saying that!

Smith, alias Johnson

偽名で, 偽名を使って
under an alias

dounokouno, and any others come to that!

I graduated on to other things!

She was pretty cut up about it!

We should have him over one evening for a dinner?

同情と嫉妬が混ぜこぜなの! (副詞句)
with a mixture of sympathy and envy!

They arrived within minutes of each other!

You have been taken!

You pay the piper and you call the tune!

She is spying on you!

I knocked on the door...

I think there is a balance to be struck!

I think the trend in the future will be dounokouno?

Conchita, ahora, me voy!
Y, para ti, vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, cavity formation, chopstics

2008-06-11 16:20:01 | Weblog
What have I got for today?

Nothing much new, really... For God's sake!,
I cannot come up with new things to show everyday!

Today , yes, Kamakura, as usual, then early lunch and
all that...

started with finalising the last lot, well, most of it.

Of course, by the look of it, nothing new about this image.
However, they are now ready to be given away. I did my
wet sanding in water and they are now drying!

Additionally, though, I have the following items.

These were left in my coating shed overnight as they
were touched for the last minute improvement. So,
they need to undergo the same polyp removal and

wet sanding...

I am very pleased about these 175 mm chopstics. They look
lovely. I have half a dozen girls in mind for these.

Apart from this eternal coating process and regular
outcomes from it I managed to make some progress with
the current lot as follows.

Naturally, these are not all the items that I produced recently.
You may see that these look much nicer, in comparison with
earlier images. Curd smashers, edges were rounded.

What further needs to be done with them is to wipe out
fluffy stuff in the slots. For that, I need to stick
a bit of sanding paper on the end of a thin slice

of wood (actually, anything thin enough) and use it
to sand out the remaining bits and pieces from the
inside of the slots.

They are not clearly seen in this photo, but, they are there!

Can it be possible? that I have lost one half of my chopstics

I cannnot locate it anywhere. OK, my workshop is in a mess,
so are my coating and my bed rooms, but, how come it could have
disappeared from view! I am very much bothered, not much

in terms of cost and time, but mainly because the first
item of this type was meant for a good friend of mine!

Now, take a look at the following.

Really, an additional comment on forming concave surfaces.

When I use my SPIKY, I leave about 3mm wide rims untouched.
At the end of the day, these rims are rounded, manually

The rims are indicated by the space between two arrows in A.
They are effectively untouchables, areas between solid and dotted lines
around the peripherals of the concave surfaces.

By far the most prblematic portion of the rims is
indicated by the red arrow. Now, if you are forming concave
surfaces, ideally, you want to go for the same rim widths

all around the cavity. The point is this. Eventually, you are
going to make the rims nice and round, as if no quasi-
discnontinuity were there.

Immediately after the SPIKY operation, you have distinct
discontinuities, all around the cavity. So, temptation is there
to use SPIKY to narrow down the average width of the rims to,

somethijg like 1 mm. That is not to be!

B's blue disk is the crosssection of the SPIKY and the arrows
are indicative of the rotation of it. If, you narrow down
the rims at the end of the front end it is likely that

parts of the very end rim, shown in black, are instantly
forced out and fly away!

For instance as in C, of the illustration. So, rim areas are
really no-go areas, not within 3mm or so.

Why all this?

Well, you have been reading my logs, about SP and other cutlery
fabrication. I want you to know the nitty-gritty of it all.
OK, I live in a small world of my own creation, but I am eager

to compare notes and share experiences!

After all, nobody has taught me all this and everything
has been learnt by me, the hard way! I want to cry
on somebody's shoulder!

パエ-リャ 21

2008-06-11 16:19:40 | Weblog
Conchita, we begin.

What is in it for me!

She would not let me in!

He has beaten us to it!

He has a meadow all to himself!

There is nothing you can fall back on!

We have got to have more imaginative ideas!

Either way, or both, dounokouno...

It makes no economic sense!

The country is criss-crossed with moorways!

I hace criss-crossed all over the world!
(just like me...)

She is pushing 40!

The snow outside was being blown up
in windy gusts!

She was curled up tight and almost asleep!

a run-down restaurant

That would have settled it!

It is nothig more than what I did years ago!

Could it be this?

This is, of course, going back many years

2 quid-a week paper round

now as then, ...

They did not have any trace of our booking!

Conchita, I go now. Hasta manya-na!
Alla van Conchita y yo!

magnetic flux, pure wooden tongs, ふぐ刺し

2008-06-10 16:24:59 | Weblog
Today started with these.

You may say what is the difference from the earlier
images. I am not going to apologise. There are
differences, as far as I am concerend, and on top of that,

remember I live in a small world of my own, with all
these logs being meant for posterity, and once the whole thing
is finished, then recorded on disks for wider posterity.

Until then, I will thrive, hopefully, and part of my
ashes will be eventually sent to the lunar surface by an American

You may have the impression that above two photos are
the end of coating operation. They will be further subjected to
wet sanding in water!

You may see in the following two images,

what is involved in forming concave surfaces. In the first,
you may be able to see a few brown patches. They are the burns
which my SPIKY left as it rotates at more than 3000 RPM,

producing Juele heating on the surface. The second is showing you
the result of my flapper doing its job. The flapper
rotates even faster, at something like RPM 5000.

However, somehow, flappers seem to be more heat dissipating.
Maybe, the air current?, smaller mass of the flaps not
accumulating enough heat energy? I do not know.

What follows is today's (?) outcome and I have been
working on these for the last few days. Concave surfaces
were formed on most of them.

There is one thing. The whole thing is a slow process and
my time is limited. For instance, curd desolvers'
edges have not yet ben rounded, much as I have been

wanting to! Same goes to my half a dozen SPs, I have not
been able to form concave surfaces on any of them, yet.

My gut feeling now is that once all these are sorted out
I will have something like 70, 80 arteatcs to be coated.

When would that be? My guess is that it will be end this week.
I am being so busy with things I cannot divert my attention
to the sort of things I talked about earlier.

About the only thing I have been able to do so was with the tongs.

Take a look at the following schematics.

Take a look at A, this is showing you the magnetic flux
emanating from one of the disk magnets. To all intents and
purposes we can neglect the curving lines at the fringe.

With such weak repulsive forces that I can afford the
magnetic lines must be alligned anti pararell.

B is showing something that I do not want. Magnetic lines
are at an angle. Lines in blue. Two members of a tong,
connected and pivoted at one end, invariably, are at

an angle. By the way, brown pieces are my weak ferrite
magnets. How do you reconcile these diametrically
opposing directional properties?

I am in a deep thinking mode at the moment. Weak force of
repulsion to be maximised, by configuring the best