いまどこ ―冒頭表示2
キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo:
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、
a connecting - wire attached to the screw-eye of each lever M, and to the outer end of a corresponding type-bar, L
1871年10月29日付のタイプライター特許 - yasuoka の日記
type-bar1875-1878、sholes 1860-189.. - 霊犀社2
Inventors ←
Sholes Working Model *
Picture 2 shows a duplicate of an original Sholes working model. No further details about this model are available. What is interesting is that the model is much lower than the first S&G production machines, and it has two large space keys placed to the left and right of the keyboard. The only typewriter ever produced with such space keys was the Caligraph, an invention of George Yöst, who had been involved with the S&G production. This is possibly a late model for an improved version of the Sholes & Glidden.
Sholes & Glidden patent model *
Picture 3. The machine in picture 2 is catalogued as a Sholes & Glidden patent model, similar to two patent models held by the Smithsonian institute. This model is close to the early production models, which indicates that it must be one of the later working models, possibly produced in or just before 1873.
Sholes experimental model *
Picture 4. The Milwaukee Public Museum catalog says about this piece: After Mr. Sholes had produced the Sholes & Glidden, later the Remington typewriter, he continued experimenting with writing machines. One of these, representing his last completed effort, the Sholes Visible was placed on the market in 1901, ten years after his death. This model shows that Mr. Sholws was trying to work out machines which could write from wheels or semi-wheels, as it was argued at the time that it was impossible to keep type-bar machines in alignment, and that only the fixing of type on one common frame or wheel would cure this deficiency. In a letter written by Mr. Sholes, he repeatedly referred to the question of securing permanent alignment.
Sholes Experimental model *
Picture 5 shows another attempt at a type-wheel design by Sholes. Note the rubber strip of type hanging loose from the wheel in the center and the hammer striking down from above the wheel.
Inventors ←

Picture 2 shows a duplicate of an original Sholes working model. No further details about this model are available. What is interesting is that the model is much lower than the first S&G production machines, and it has two large space keys placed to the left and right of the keyboard. The only typewriter ever produced with such space keys was the Caligraph, an invention of George Yöst, who had been involved with the S&G production. This is possibly a late model for an improved version of the Sholes & Glidden.

Picture 3. The machine in picture 2 is catalogued as a Sholes & Glidden patent model, similar to two patent models held by the Smithsonian institute. This model is close to the early production models, which indicates that it must be one of the later working models, possibly produced in or just before 1873.

Picture 4. The Milwaukee Public Museum catalog says about this piece: After Mr. Sholes had produced the Sholes & Glidden, later the Remington typewriter, he continued experimenting with writing machines. One of these, representing his last completed effort, the Sholes Visible was placed on the market in 1901, ten years after his death. This model shows that Mr. Sholws was trying to work out machines which could write from wheels or semi-wheels, as it was argued at the time that it was impossible to keep type-bar machines in alignment, and that only the fixing of type on one common frame or wheel would cure this deficiency. In a letter written by Mr. Sholes, he repeatedly referred to the question of securing permanent alignment.

Picture 5 shows another attempt at a type-wheel design by Sholes. Note the rubber strip of type hanging loose from the wheel in the center and the hammer striking down from above the wheel.
Set of arrangements of keys and type-bars of type-wriing machine untill to bring in Remington.
layout of keys & type-bars till bring in Remington
Dear Mr.Darryl Rehr
I am raycy, Japanese inquiror, and want to know the origin of
say"QWERTY";more to originize? or rooting? ,"QWE.TY".
"QWE.TY" is Sholes & fellows' latest key arrangement which brought to
you "say Remington".
You mention in "Why QWERTY was Invented" as"Looking inside his early
machine, we can see how he did it."
Mr.Darryl Rehr typewriter - 霊犀社2
I read, you mean the inside of Sholes' ealy machine has strong relation
with the key arrangemet on keyboard, do you?
But to say the strong relationship between the key arrangement and
type-bar arrangement,
We have to show the set of the arrangements of keys and type-bars.
In case Sholes and Gridden type-writer, the first commercial "QWERTY"
type-writer, here is,
の対応。ショールズの「R」 - 霊犀社2
め直してみる。 - 霊犀社2
You might took the photo of the Sholes and Gridden Pattent model, it is
quoted in other site *, so I could re-know your site again.
ショールズ&グリッデン特許モデル* - 霊犀社2
Is there strong relationship between the arrangements of keys and
type-bars in the Sholes and Gridden Pattent model?
Is there any material to show the set of the arrangements of keys and
type-bars in the Sholes and Gridden Pattent model?
Plus about the machine which first brought to Remington.
Do you know where the machine is ? or
How about the arrangemet of keys and type-bars in the machine?
Yours sincerely.
layout of keys & type-bars till bring in Remington
Dear Mr.Darryl Rehr
I am raycy, Japanese inquiror, and want to know the origin of
say"QWERTY";more to originize? or rooting? ,"QWE.TY".
"QWE.TY" is Sholes & fellows' latest key arrangement which brought to
you "say Remington".
You mention in "Why QWERTY was Invented" as"Looking inside his early
machine, we can see how he did it."
Mr.Darryl Rehr typewriter - 霊犀社2
I read, you mean the inside of Sholes' ealy machine has strong relation
with the key arrangemet on keyboard, do you?
But to say the strong relationship between the key arrangement and
type-bar arrangement,
We have to show the set of the arrangements of keys and type-bars.
In case Sholes and Gridden type-writer, the first commercial "QWERTY"
type-writer, here is,
の対応。ショールズの「R」 - 霊犀社2
め直してみる。 - 霊犀社2
You might took the photo of the Sholes and Gridden Pattent model, it is
quoted in other site *, so I could re-know your site again.
ショールズ&グリッデン特許モデル* - 霊犀社2
Is there strong relationship between the arrangements of keys and
type-bars in the Sholes and Gridden Pattent model?
Is there any material to show the set of the arrangements of keys and
type-bars in the Sholes and Gridden Pattent model?
Plus about the machine which first brought to Remington.
Do you know where the machine is ? or
How about the arrangemet of keys and type-bars in the machine?
Yours sincerely.
→ Darryl Rehr typewriter
Antique Typewriters and Office Collectibles Darryl Rehr
Antique Typewriters and Office Collectibles Darryl Rehr
The QWERTY Connection
...Learn to Love it!
Want to know more? Follow these links:
- Collecting Antique Typewriters
- Collecting Typeriter RIBBON TINS (wow!)
- Myths about QWERTY
- Why QWERTY was Invented
- The First Typewriter
Myths about QWERTY
Actually, Sholes artfully arranged the inside of his machine to lower the frequency of jams. The effect was to reduce trouble, and help fast typists go FASTER. For a detailed explanation of the REAL reasoning behind QWERTY, see "Why QWERTY was Invented."
実際、ショールズは、ジャムの頻度を下げるために、彼のマシンの中を巧妙に手配しました。 効果はトラブル、および助け敏速タイピストを減らす必要がありました 行く FASTER 。 QWERTYの後ろで説得しているREALの詳細な説明のために、「QWERTYが発明された理由。」を見てください。
Why QWERTY was Invented
For years, popular writers have accused Sholes of deliberately arranging his keyboard to slow down fast typists who would otherwise jam up his sluggish machine. In fact, his motives were just the opposite.
When Sholes built his first model in 1868, the keys were arranged alphabetically in two rows. At the time, Milwaukee was a backwoods town. The crude machine shop tools available there could hardly produce a finely-honed instrument that worked with precision. Yes, the first typewriter was sluggish. Yes, it did clash and jam when someone tried to type with it. But Sholes was able to figure out a way around the problem simply by rearranging the letters. Looking inside his early machine, we can see how he did it.
The first typewriter had its letters on the end of rods called "typebars." The typebars hung in a circle. The roller which held the paper sat over this circle, and when a key was pressed, a typebar would swing up to hit the paper from underneath. If two typebars were near each other in the circle, they would tend to clash into each other when typed in succession. So, Sholes figured he had to take the most common letter pairs such as "TH" and make sure their typebars hung at safe distances.
He did this using a study of letter-pair frequency prepared by educator Amos Densmore, brother of James Densmore, who was Sholes' chief financial backer. The QWERTY keyboard itself was determined by the existing mechanical linkages of the typebars inside the machine to the keys on the outside. Sholes' solution did not eliminate the problem completely, but it was greatly reduced.
何年もの間、ポピュラーな作家は、彼の停滞的なマシンの上で違った形で詰まらせている速いタイピストの速度を落とすために彼のキーボードを意図的に配置することのショールズを告発しました。 実のところ、彼の動機はまさに反対物でした。
1868年にショールズが彼の最初のモデルを築いた時には、キーは2つの列においてアルファベット順に手配されました。 その時、ミルウォーキーは奥地町でした。 入手可能な天然の機械工場ツールは、精度によって作動したよく研がれた機器をそこでほとんど生産できませんでした。 はい、最初のタイプライタが停滞的でした。 はい、それは衝突し、誰かがそれによってタイプしようとした時には詰まっていました。 しかし、ショールズは、単に手紙を組み替えて問題のまわりの方法を理解することができました。 彼の初期のマシンの中で見ることによって、私達は、どのように彼がそれをしたかをわかることができます。
最初のタイプライタは、「タイプバー。」と呼ばれるロッドの終わりに、その手紙を持っていました。 タイプバーは円にぶら下がっていました。 紙がこの円の上に座ると考えたローラーおよびキーが押された時には、下から紙に当たるために、タイプバーが上に揺れます。 もし円で2つのタイプバーがお互いにあるならば、それらは、連続にタイプ入力される時に、お互いに衝突する傾向があるでしょう。 従って、ショールズが、彼が、「TH」などの最も一般的な手紙ペアかかり、確かめる必要があるとみなした それらのタイプバーは安全な距離でぶら下がっていました。
彼は、手紙ペア頻度の研究を使い、エイモスデンズモア、ショールズの主たる金融後援者であったジェームズデンズモアの兄弟が、教師に作られてこれをしました。 QWERTY配列キーボード自身は、マシンの中のタイプバーの既存のメカニカルなリンクのため外のキーに決定されました。 ショールズの解決は問題を完全に取り除くわけではなかったけれども、それは大いに減らされました。