米国ジョージア州の慰安婦像に関する現地の報道 Bilingual 2か国語
2017 年6 月30 日 Belle News 配信
Can Brookhaven come back to its senses?
Jun 30, 2017
地方自治体は、地域住民が幸せに暮らせる環境を作るべきである。こんな常識が、ブルックヘブン市には「今のところ」なさそうだ。「平和の少女像」という銅像が、今月6 月30 日にブルックヘブン市の公園でお披露目される。名前はとても耳触りが良いが、この銅像は大きな 2つのの問題を抱えている。
「Reporter Newspaper」は19 日付で、銅像の設置反対の住民の声を報じた。その記事の中で紹介されている写真を見て、子供達が走り回る普通の公園を連想できる人は少ないだろう。美しい緑の中に、不可思議な少女の像が、その姿を唐突に現そうとしている。
また、議論を呼んでいる慰安婦は、実は韓国の国際公約違反にあたる。「慰安婦」という女性たちの問題は、韓国と日本の間の外交関係に、長年溝を作ってきた。しかし、今から遡ること1 年半前、韓国と日本は国際条約を締結した。両国の間の障壁となっていた慰安婦という問題に終止符を打ったのである。日本は韓国に対して再び補償金を支払い、再び公式謝罪を行い、両国とも金輪際この話題については触れないという国際公約を結んだのである。しかし、韓国人の主張に加担しつつ慰安婦像を設置するということは、日韓両国の緊張を高めることになる。こういった政治的論争に、ブルックヘブン市は関与しようとしているどころか、アジアの2カ国を再び分断させようとしているのである。
そのストリップクラブ「Pink Pony」は、ブルックヘブン市では知らないひとはいない。ストリップクラブが禁止されているこの都市において、警察のパトロール費という名目のお金を市に支払うことで、Pink Pony はいまだに営業を継続できている。そして、今年の初め、Pink Pony に絡んだ人身売買事件が、近隣のSandy Springs で発生した。また、アトランタの韓国系団体というのは、活動目的が一つである。それは、慰安婦像の設置である。彼らは、実はアトランタで慰安婦設置を試みるも、最終的に拒否された経緯がある。
Pink Pony が特別に許可された違法営業、穏やかな空気が流れる都市での突然の慰安婦像の設置。この二つに共通しているのが、このアトランタの韓国系団体なのである。これを、偶然、と説明するのは非常に難しい。
Pink Pony の映像:https://www.google.co.jp/search…
Can Brookhaven come back to its senses?
Jun 30, 2017
Municipalities should create an environment where their citizens can live happily.
Brookhaven does not currently seem to have such common sense.
A bronze statue called the “Statue of Peace” will debut in a Brookhaven city park on June 30th. The name sounds quite nice, but there are two big problems with this statue.
Park risks becoming a place for political propaganda
On the 19th, “Reporter Newspaper” reported on some citizen’s opposition to the statue’s installation.
Looking at the photos featured in this article, few people are likely to imagine a normal park where children run around. In a beautiful green environment, a mysterious statue of a girl is suddenly about to appear.
This statue is modeled after women called comfort women. Comfort women are women who care for soldiers fighting on the front lines during a war. In other words, these women provide sexual services to soldiers. Their purpose is to resolve unfulfilled desires and to help soldiers concentrate on battle. The statue to debut in Brookhaven is modeled after Korean women who provided services to Japanese soldiers during World War II.
“It is compatible with the theme and imagery of the memorial”. This statement was made by Burke Brennan, the city’s spokesperson. Does he mean to say that “women who provide sexual services” are the appropriate theme for a quiet green place?
Furthermore, the comfort women topic sparking discussion actually violates South Korea’s international pledge. The problem of comfort women has long created a rift in South Korean-Japanese diplomatic relations. However, almost one and a half years ago, South Korea and Japan signed an international treaty.
They put a stop to the issue of comfort women, which had become a wall between the two countries. They signed an international pledge stating that Japan would once again pay reparations to South Korea and issue an official apology, and that neither country would ever again bring up this topic. But establishing a comfort woman statue in support of South Koreans’ claims will increase tension between South Korea and Japan. By getting involved in this political dispute, Brookhaven is about to once again divide these two Asian countries. There will likely be less visitors to the park because of the installation of this statue. One can imagine the strange scenario of the park being visited only by South Koreans.
South Korean prostitution encroaches on US
New York, Texas, Georgia, Indiana. These are places where South Korean prostitutes have been exposed.
The Department of State report on the eradication of human trafficking stated that at 25%, Korean women made up the largest percentage of foreign female prostitutes in the US. One rumor raises concern that wave may have reached Brookhaven. That rumor involves the close relationship of a certain strip club and a South Korean organization in Atlanta.
There is no one in Brookhaven who doesn’t know about this club, called “Pink Pony.” Strip clubs are prohibited in this city, but Pink Pony has remained in business by paying the police something called a “patrol fee.” At the beginning of this year, a prostitution incident involving Pink Pony occurred in the neighboring Sandy Springs. Also, the South Korean organization in Atlanta has only one goal. That is to establish a statue for comfort women. They actually tried to have a statue installed in Atlanta, but were refused and failed.
Pink Pony is given special permission to operate illegally, and then a comfort woman statue is suddenly installed in a city with a calm atmosphere. What these two things have in common is this Atlanta South Korean organization. It is difficult to explain this as a coincidence.
Dana R