any luck? idm. (informal)
used to ask somebody if they have been successful with something: 'Any luck?' 'No, they're all too busy to help.'
any luck? イディオム(インフォーマル)
文脈や内容によりますが、any luck? とは「うまくいってる?」といった意味です。
'Any luck with catching a fish?' 'No, I don't think they like my bait. I like chocolate, so I thought they would like it too.'

used to ask somebody if they have been successful with something: 'Any luck?' 'No, they're all too busy to help.'
any luck? イディオム(インフォーマル)
文脈や内容によりますが、any luck? とは「うまくいってる?」といった意味です。
'Any luck with catching a fish?' 'No, I don't think they like my bait. I like chocolate, so I thought they would like it too.'