Apres l'Insead


とあるP1生徒の1日 (One day of a certain P1 participant)

2006-09-16 08:59:23 | Insead
ただ、そんな中でも平均50PV/day (20IP/day)なのは嬉しい限りです。^^



7:00 起床・・・するが、今日は1限が休講なので二度寝決行。
8:30 流石に起きて、CNNをBGMにシリアルとコーヒーで朝飯。
9:15 家を出る。この時間になると車や窓の結露も取れている。
9:35 INSEAD到着。今日は地下駐車場に駐車。
10:15-11:45 ミクロ経済の授業。予習していたが、
12:00-13:30 統計学の補講に参加。こうでもしないと復習しない。
14:00 昼食。同級生(南ア、ナイジェリア、アメリカ)の会話についていけず。
15:00 某企業Nのプレゼンに参加。
17:00 某企業Bのプレゼンに参加。最後は半分白昼夢状態。
19:00 某企業Gのプレゼンに参加。.com企業っぽい社風を感じ取る。
20:00 某企業Bの方(日本人)と会食
23:30 帰宅。
1:45(現在) Financeの復習中。



Due to the decreasing frequency of renewal,
it seems that the number of page view par day is also going down.
However, 50 page view/day (20 IP address/day) is counted on average.
I'm very glad to know this trend.

Anyway, I'd like to tell you about one day of my MBA life.

15th, September (Friday)

7:00 Got up but went to bed again because of no class from 8:30 today.
8:30 Got up again, and had a breakfast (cereal and coffee) with BGM of CNN.
9:15 Left home. Dew on the windows of my car and house were gone at this time.
9:35 Arrived at INSEAD. (at the car-park underground)
10:15-11:45 Class of Microeconomics. At the last moment, I lost myself in the class.
12:00-13:30 Complementary class for Statistics. Good way of re-studying.
14:00 Lunch with classmates (from South Africa, Nigeria, and the US),
however, couldn't understand their talk...
15:00 Joined to the presentation on job-searching by N.
17:00 Joined to the presentation on job-searching by B. Daydreaming...
19:00 Joined to the presentation on job-searching by G. Typical .com company.
20:00 Dinner with a B company's partner and other Japanese INSEAD participants.
23:30 Back to home.
1:45(Now!) Studying Finance...

Today, I participated in a lot of career-related events,
but normally, I study from 21:00-2:00 or so.

Can you imagine my life???^^;


2 コメント

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hey (Chikuwa)
2006-09-16 15:43:14
what happened to the parties ? :)

after the dinner I ended up rushing with my housemates to the pirates & mermaids party !

VERY tough waking up for the saturday tutorials...
Great participation! (cheramis)
2006-09-17 07:44:12
You were in class before I came.

U are really great!

I appreciate your mind.

Then, what happened on the Jonny Depp?:)
