Pottery challenge (Grade 2) part 3

2012年06月12日 10時10分59秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C.

When all the cleaning up was finished some students went to see the teacher.

“Teacher, I was so dirty!”

And showed their dirty hands.

 Come and look at all the work we have done! Everyone was pointing at their finished work.

This is after the work has been baked (1230 degrees).

Some people have found partners and given their work as a present.

It’s lots of fun!

Josui Street sketch (Grade 5) Part 10

2012年06月12日 09時59分59秒 | Grade 5

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C.

The art room has lots of people working at different dates and times convenient to them.

Everyone is full of motivation!

It could be hard to concentrate and make your representation.

 I wanted everyone to try to represent things in their won way. There were lots of ideas and questions.

I could see a twinkle in the student’s eyes even more than usual!



Josui Street Sketch (Grade 5) Part 9

2012年06月12日 08時59分59秒 | Grade 5

The japanese page is this page.


Work from class A


A drawing of Pieta, and over there behind it the Josui Street church.

I can feel the light from how it is drawn.


A drawing of the “Primrose” boutique.

By using bright colours the presence of the building has been highlighted.


A drawing of Josui Street church.

A good representation of the smooth sides and height of the building, you can feel the sense of volume.