After the players had bumbled around for an hour or so, and had gone two down, something strange happened: the North Bank swithched allegiance. Each Watford attack was greeted by a roar of them) given an 'Oooh!' of commiseration. It was funny, in a way, but it was also desperate. Here were fans who had been completely disenfranchised, who could think of no more hurtful way to express their disgust than to turn their back on the team; it was, in effect, a form of self-mutilation. It was relief. We knew that whoever the manager was ( Venables sort of mess), things could not be any worse.
After the game there was a demonstration outside the main entrance, although it was difficult to ascertain precisely what people wantedl some were chanting for the reinstatement of Howe, others simply giving vent to a vague but real anger. We wandered along to have a look, but none of my crowd could muster the requisite rage needed to participate. From my own point of view, I could still remember my childish, melodramatic and the demonstration was oddly comforting - the girl who had had to tolerate my sulk could see that I was not the only one, that there was this whole community who cared about what was happening to their Arsenal more than else. The things that I have often tried to explain to people about football - that it is not an escape, or a form of entertainment, but a different version of the world - were clear for her to see; I felt vindicated, somehow.
そういえばこの作品、ハリウッドで映画化されたらしい(邦題:「2番目のキス」、原題はこのまま)。しかしながら、あろうことか、と言おうか無論と言おうか、主人公はフットボールファンではなく、MLBのBoston Redsoxの熱狂的ファンという設定になっているらしい。いやはやアメリカだ・・・w