Dear yasuo hata,
The Willow Shop shipped the following item(s) in your order 104-0571790-3905805, placed on August 15, 2011.
Delivery Estimate: August 22, 2011 - September 07, 2011
This shipment was sent to:
yasuo hata
448 hester st #16676
c/o speanet inc #16676
san leandro, ca 94577
United States
This shipment will be delivered by USPS.
You can track the status of this shipment online by visiting Your Account at
You have been charged for the following items shipped today:
Porter Cable 892DT Router Combo Pack - 4212 12-Inch Deluxe Dovetail Jig w/892 - 2 1/4 ...
Sold by: The Willow Shop
Condition: new
Quantity: 1
$304.99 each
Item subtotal: $304.99
Item Subtotal : $304.99
Shipping & Handling : $23.49
Total : $328.48 (JPY 26,202)
Paid by Visa: $328.48 (JPY 26,202)
No more changes can be made to this order. If you have questions about this order, including the seller's return policy, you can visit our Online Returns Center:
Sellers appreciate feedback from buyers on their shopping experience. Once your order is complete, please leave feedback for The Willow Shop on this order by going to
Thanks for shopping at
Please note: Do not reply to this message, this e-mail address does not accept incoming e-mail.
The Willow Shop shipped the following item(s) in your order 104-0571790-3905805, placed on August 15, 2011.
Delivery Estimate: August 22, 2011 - September 07, 2011
This shipment was sent to:
yasuo hata
448 hester st #16676
c/o speanet inc #16676
san leandro, ca 94577
United States
This shipment will be delivered by USPS.
You can track the status of this shipment online by visiting Your Account at
You have been charged for the following items shipped today:
Porter Cable 892DT Router Combo Pack - 4212 12-Inch Deluxe Dovetail Jig w/892 - 2 1/4 ...
Sold by: The Willow Shop
Condition: new
Quantity: 1
$304.99 each
Item subtotal: $304.99
Item Subtotal : $304.99
Shipping & Handling : $23.49
Total : $328.48 (JPY 26,202)
Paid by Visa: $328.48 (JPY 26,202)
No more changes can be made to this order. If you have questions about this order, including the seller's return policy, you can visit our Online Returns Center:
Sellers appreciate feedback from buyers on their shopping experience. Once your order is complete, please leave feedback for The Willow Shop on this order by going to
Thanks for shopping at
Please note: Do not reply to this message, this e-mail address does not accept incoming e-mail.