Greetings from
We thought you'd like to know that we shipped this portion of your order separately to give you quicker service. You won't be charged any extra shipping fees, and the remainder of your order will follow as soon as those items become available.
You can track the status of this order, and all your orders, online by visiting Your Account at
There you can:
* Track your shipment
* View the status of unshipped items
* Cancel unshipped items
* Return items
* And do much more
The following items have been shipped to you by
Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal
Osprey-Talon items (Sold by Resurs2 Corporation) :
1 HQRP 2-pin Wood / Firewood... $22.95 1 $22.95
Shipped via USPS
Tracking number: 9102927003525137652023
Item Subtotal: $22.95
Shipping and handling: $0.92
Super Saver Discount: $-0.92
Total: $22.95 (JPY 1,831)
Paid by Visa: $22.95 (JPY 1,831)
You have only been charged for the items sent in this shipment.
(Per our policy, you only pay for items when we ship them to you.)
The following items will ship separately, as soon as they're available:
Qty Item Price Not Yet Shipped
1 Wixey WR300 Digital Angle Gau $29.50 1
1 Non Contact Thermometer $19.99 1
1 Kreg R3 Jr. Pocket Hole Jig S $39.95 1
1 Bench Dog 10-012 Miter Slot A $9.42 1
1 Bench Dog 40-120 ProPlate Sta $59.99 1
1 MLCS 8377 Router Bit Set with $39.95 1
1 Bench Dog 40-011 Feather-Loc $19.99 1
This shipment was sent to:
yasuo hata
448 hester st #16676
c/o speanet inc #16676
san leandro, ca 94577
United States
via USPS (estimated delivery date: August 23, 2011).
For your reference, the number you can use to track your package is 9102927003525137652023.Visit to track your shipment.Please note that tracking information may not be available immediately.
Unless otherwise noted, items are sold by LLC and taxed if
shipped to Kansas, North Dakota, New York, Kentucky or Washington. Please note that your order contains one or more items from an partner and may be subject to state and local sales tax, depending on the state to which the item is being shipped. For more tax and seller information, visit:
If you need to print an invoice for this order, visit Your Account ( and click to view open and recently shipped orders. Find the order in the list and click the "View order" button. You'll find a button to print an invoice on the next page.
If you ever need to return an order, visit our Online Returns Center:
If you've explored the links on the Your Account page but still need
assistance with your order, you'll find links to e-mail or call Customer Service
in our Help department at
Please be aware that items in this order may be subject to California's
Electronic Waste Recycling Act. If any items in this order are subject
to that Act, the seller of that item has elected to pay any fees due
on your behalf.
Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address
that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
Thank you for shopping with us.
We thought you'd like to know that we shipped this portion of your order separately to give you quicker service. You won't be charged any extra shipping fees, and the remainder of your order will follow as soon as those items become available.
You can track the status of this order, and all your orders, online by visiting Your Account at
There you can:
* Track your shipment
* View the status of unshipped items
* Cancel unshipped items
* Return items
* And do much more
The following items have been shipped to you by
Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal
Osprey-Talon items (Sold by Resurs2 Corporation) :
1 HQRP 2-pin Wood / Firewood... $22.95 1 $22.95
Shipped via USPS
Tracking number: 9102927003525137652023
Item Subtotal: $22.95
Shipping and handling: $0.92
Super Saver Discount: $-0.92
Total: $22.95 (JPY 1,831)
Paid by Visa: $22.95 (JPY 1,831)
You have only been charged for the items sent in this shipment.
(Per our policy, you only pay for items when we ship them to you.)
The following items will ship separately, as soon as they're available:
Qty Item Price Not Yet Shipped
1 Wixey WR300 Digital Angle Gau $29.50 1
1 Non Contact Thermometer $19.99 1
1 Kreg R3 Jr. Pocket Hole Jig S $39.95 1
1 Bench Dog 10-012 Miter Slot A $9.42 1
1 Bench Dog 40-120 ProPlate Sta $59.99 1
1 MLCS 8377 Router Bit Set with $39.95 1
1 Bench Dog 40-011 Feather-Loc $19.99 1
This shipment was sent to:
yasuo hata
448 hester st #16676
c/o speanet inc #16676
san leandro, ca 94577
United States
via USPS (estimated delivery date: August 23, 2011).
For your reference, the number you can use to track your package is 9102927003525137652023.Visit to track your shipment.Please note that tracking information may not be available immediately.
Unless otherwise noted, items are sold by LLC and taxed if
shipped to Kansas, North Dakota, New York, Kentucky or Washington. Please note that your order contains one or more items from an partner and may be subject to state and local sales tax, depending on the state to which the item is being shipped. For more tax and seller information, visit:
If you need to print an invoice for this order, visit Your Account ( and click to view open and recently shipped orders. Find the order in the list and click the "View order" button. You'll find a button to print an invoice on the next page.
If you ever need to return an order, visit our Online Returns Center:
If you've explored the links on the Your Account page but still need
assistance with your order, you'll find links to e-mail or call Customer Service
in our Help department at
Please be aware that items in this order may be subject to California's
Electronic Waste Recycling Act. If any items in this order are subject
to that Act, the seller of that item has elected to pay any fees due
on your behalf.
Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address
that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
Thank you for shopping with us.