one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#156 mur de miroir(ミラーウオールの宵)

2004-11-09 20:47:24 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The magic after sun down catches me at a corner of the NishiShinjuku(西新宿).
I watch this strange space for a few minutes .
Then I try to take picture of this image with changing my standing point.
It is a mgical time of my life.
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#157 lumiere de matin (朝陽)

2004-11-09 20:46:23 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

But this Saturday I left home to work in the early morning.
On Saturday, Sunday and holiday the express train dosen't stop at the Asagaya station. The platform for express train is closed.
There is no light on the express platform.
The sun rose and the first touch of rayon arrived there.
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#158 sur le pont Ishijima(石島橋から)

2004-11-09 20:45:13 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The both side of the Sumida river(隅田川) are towns of canals.
These canals were made in the Edo era.
Now, in the west side of the river, more than half of the canals have been filled and changed for roads.
I love morning view of these old canals in the east area of the Sumida river.

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#159 le bateau de piere (黒船橋の磐舟)

2004-11-09 20:41:06 | Plants(植物)

On the Kurofunebashi(= black ship bridge) there are boats of stone using as plant pot and as pavement fense.
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#160 chat blanc dans le noir(闇の白猫)

2004-11-09 20:40:10 | cats(猫)

A white cat is sitting under a car on a lane of MonzenNakcho(門前仲町).
It was around 7 o'clock in the evening when the big earthquake occured in
the middle of the Niigata prefecture.
They say animals could forsee earthquake.
Could this cat do the earhquake?
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#161 dans la rue(LAの路傍)

2004-11-09 20:39:10 | LA

In Tokyo there are many lanes which are narrower than this pavement.
The poles are two times and more taller than those of Japan.
Those poles are made of wood!
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