one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


#168 soir de blume (霧雨の宵)

2004-11-14 19:21:05 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Tokyo Opera City in the autumn foggy rain looks sleepy.
And my steps are very slippery.
(@オペラシティ 初台 The Opera City, Hatsudai)
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#169 fleurs (不安定な花壇)

2004-11-14 19:18:21 | Plants(植物)

After hard rain, small flowers are especially beautiful on the embankment of the Kanda river(神田川).
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#170 escalator (半身不随のエスカレータ)

2004-11-14 19:17:08 | nocategory(雑)

The down escalator is runnning and the up one stops where people have to walk up.
I should take this without flash.
But I walk up this escalator with fun.
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#171 Ramen blanc(白ラーメン)

2004-11-14 19:15:56 | Foods(食)

They call The White Ramen. They use soy milk to make the soupe with a little salt.
The taste is the taste of healthy life.
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#172 Pooh dans un camion(ダンプの中のプーさん)

2004-11-14 19:14:54 | nocategory(雑)

The driver runs his dump truck with a Winnie the Pooh every day.
He is a man of thirty and has a son and a daughter.
These days many women drive dump trucks, but I've never seen woman driver
have these dolls in their seat.
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#173 parc de stationnement(LAの駐車場)

2004-11-14 19:13:33 | LA

This is a car park of a bank in L.A.
There are no car left by owner who goes out of bank for another business.
Because it is too far away to other building by walk to do so.
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