one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


野外パソコン le portable au chantier

2006-06-04 13:48:11 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Without laptop it is very difficult to do the construction efficiently.
With it one can easily check any drawings in the field.
In the field workers and engineers now can almost use laptop, mobile phone and degital camera. Time is changing.

(@多摩川、Tama river, Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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御茶ノ水駅景 le gar Ochanomizu

2006-06-04 13:45:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Do you remember the photo of the cherry blossom view from the Ochanomizu station?

In the right of the photo, at the next of the four floors block with red roof, there is an old building. You can easily find the balcony with white bar handrails. That is a bar.
I visit there and have a pint glass of Guiness in an afternoon.
It's very happy to spend time at there with watching trains , subways and the flow of Kanda river.

(@ Face Cafe, Sotokanda, Chiyoda ward)
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中杉通新緑 la rue Nakasugi

2006-06-04 13:37:54 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

Though I am at the coffee shop for reading, I spend the holiday afternoon to watch the street where zelkova trees make fine trembling shadows of leaves.
(@西瓜糖、Suikato, Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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注意 attention

2006-06-04 13:36:24 | what?why?(ん?)

Would a foreigner think the two bills mean the same caution?
Would he/she ask himself/herself if a cat must be "a susupicious unclaimed object"?
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汽笛一声 le premire gare dans Japon

2006-06-04 13:35:00 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Shinbashi station is the first railway station in Japan.
They made this monument between the rail trucks in the station, which is not an original station from where the first train started in 1872.
The original first rail trucks are removed at the place where the first train departed. The old station is reconstructed as the Shinbashi Railway Musium, too.
(@新橋駅 Shinbashi station, Minato ward)
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洗濯バサミ pinces de linge

2006-06-04 13:33:20 | what?why?(ん?)

These pinches are used for dring the developed X-ray films.

(@新橋駅 Shinbashi station, Minato ward)
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移動暗室 chambre de noir

2006-06-04 13:31:34 | what?why?(ん?)

This is the first time to see a dark room in the vehcle. They are engineers who take X-ray photograph of walls, floors and ceiling to confirm the existence of unseen electric lines or pipes.

(@新橋駅, Shinbashi station, Minato ward)
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多摩川の河原 la rive

2006-06-04 13:30:07 | Plants(植物)

There is no mosquito in the field yet. Three women are looking for four-leaves clover here. The days before the rainny season is a good time to walk around a river field.

(@多摩川 府中市小柳 , The Tama river, Koyanagi, Fuchu city, Tokyo)
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アーモンドチョコ復刻版 chocolat

2006-06-04 13:26:31 | cake(ケーキ)

This package is imitated the one in which the almond chocolates firstly were sold in 1969. I bought the French text book on the same year.

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俄春雨 l'averse

2006-06-04 13:24:18 | cats(猫)

A black cat can not walk forward owing to the sudden hard rain.

(@パールセンター、阿佐谷南, Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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