one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


パン爺 fleur expressive

2006-06-06 18:02:31 | Plants(植物)

This flower sometimes resembles to a human face expression.

(@元代々木 Motoyoyogi, Shibuya ward)
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クルミの実 noix

2006-06-06 18:01:17 | Plants(植物)

In the dry river bed, there is a few walnut trees. In this season people can see green walnuts. But this year they can find very a few walnuts.
At a TV program a doctor introduced that this green fruits are very effective for unhealthy blood. So women are now mad at picking up green walnuts.
I take this picture in the construction site. There rest lots of them. But on the branches outside of the site there are very few ones. Women asks me if they can walk into the site. I replied, "No, you can't."
(@府中市小柳, Koyanagi, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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十字花 "Rocket Salad" roquette

2006-06-06 17:59:26 | Plants(植物)

The name of this is "Rocket Salad." It flowers in the back yard of a station.

(@代々木八幡駅裏, Motoyoyogi, Shibuya ward)
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店のドア fermeture avant l'heure

2006-06-06 17:57:35 | what?why?(ん?)

The bill for clients says, " I'm sorry to close early tonight."

(@阿佐谷南 Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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流離いの研ぎ師 aiguiseur

2006-06-06 17:56:40 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

He is not a home-less man but a grinder without his shop and home.

(@中野 Nakano, Nakano ward)
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Pacific Coast HWY?

2006-06-06 17:54:46 | LA

The Pacific Coast Highway is run throgh along the beaches of Los Angels.
I've believed this crossing is on the Pacific Coast HWY for a long time.
But now I know this must be the Catalina Ave.
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