one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


チェリータルト tarte

2006-06-14 05:45:42 | cake(ケーキ)

I love the cherry tarte of the MIYAGI-KOOHII-TEN(宮城珈琲店), a coffe shop which is on a corner of the Shinbashi crossing near Ginza. The prices of coffee are not cheap. The atmosphere of the shop is excellent.

(@新橋一丁目, Shinbashi, Minato ward)
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窓拭き終了 fin de essuer les fenetres

2006-06-14 05:44:41 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
Like a Spiderman, he falls down with the rope.

(@ 有楽町 ,Yurakucho, Chiyoda ward)
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発祥の地 berceau

2006-06-14 05:43:43 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Radio exercises began in 1928. After then, a policeman appeals to his neighbors to take a radio exercises together. This is the first morining-radio-exercises meeting in the world. This park is the nearest park to the first meeting place. So they built this monument.

(@神田佐久間町 Kandasakumacho, Chiyoda ward)
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東京駅 nuit de la gare Tokyo

2006-06-14 05:42:43 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The night around the Tokyo station is very silent. The sound of runnning cars dose not stop. Few people walks. People walks usually in the underground mall.
The name of this town is Yaesu origined to the name of a Dutchman who visited Japan in 17th century to become a sort of adviser of Tokugawa gourvenment and died in the distress in the Southern China Sea.

(@八重洲, Yaesu, Chuuoo ward)
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散歩の帰り enfants

2006-06-14 05:41:51 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Nurses push the cart in which small children are tired after playing at the park. They are hungry and sleepy.

(@新橋3丁目, Shinbashi, Minato ward)
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