one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


クチナシ gardenia

2006-06-27 07:13:44 | Plants(植物)

Gardenia has a scent of June. I love its scent which remind me lots of memories and places in my life.

(港南町, Konancho, Minato ward)
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アジサイ hortensia

2006-06-27 07:11:02 | Plants(植物)

In the visual bilingual dictionary, there are fourteen flowers as flowering plant; buttercup, daisy, thistle, dandelion, heather, poppy, foxglove, honeysuckle, sunflower, clover, bluebells, primrose, lupins and nettle.
As flowers at florist, there are sixteen flowers; lily, acacia, carnation, stocks, gerbera, rose, freesia, gladiolus, iris, daisy, chrysanthemum, gypswophila, orchid, peony, daffodil, tulip.
In The Petit Larousse Illustre, there are nineteen flowers as fleurs ornementales; camelia, dahlia decoratif, jacinthe, pivoine, primeveres, lilas, narcisse, tulipes, lis blanc, chrysantheme, glaieuls, muguet, oeillets, pensee, hortensia, anemones, cyclamen, rose, violettes.

The difference between the two dictionaries is very interesting, but for me it is most interesting that the hortensia of the Petit Larouse is red flower. These several years I' ve never seen such a red hortensia. I know this flower would change its color owing to the alkalinity in the soil. Around me, there are violet blue color flowers.

(@阿佐谷南 Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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法務局のカレー assiette en metal

2006-06-27 07:08:36 | Foods(食)

At the restaurant of the Tokyo District Legal Affairs Bureau, I have a dish of curry and rice. The metalic dish makes me nostalgic for my days of University.

(@霞が関 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda ward)
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2006-06-27 07:06:57 | what?why?(ん?)

This AED is a tool of heart massage which everybody can use.
There is only a few minutes after the stop of heart for patient, so it needs to massage the stopped heart as fast as they could.
(@池袋駅、 Ikebukuro station, Toshima ward)
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雀のレストラン restaurant pour moineaux

2006-06-27 07:03:24 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

There is no creature but sparrows who have hiding mosquitoes beyond the ceiling.
But they are too small to be watched with human eyes in this picture.

(@是政駅 Koremasa station, Fuchuu city, Tokyo)
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