Tama is a cat of a coffee shop. She would not drink water of a bowl or a dish.
She drinks water directly from a faucet.
Takako san, the owner of a pet goods shop Foucasha(風香舎), explains this : a cat which has a experience to get wrong owing to old water in a bowl would drink only fresh running water.
(@東中野五丁目, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)
Tama is a cat of a coffee shop. She would not drink water of a bowl or a dish.
She drinks water directly from a faucet.
Takako san, the owner of a pet goods shop Foucasha(風香舎), explains this : a cat which has a experience to get wrong owing to old water in a bowl would drink only fresh running water.
(@東中野五丁目, Higashinakano, Nakano ward)