A bulbul is looking for crumbs which I throw for small birds.
In the town of Tokyo a bird watcher can easily find these birds:
sparrow (雀) , crow(カラス), pigeon(ハト), bulbul(ヒヨドリ), tit (四十雀), gray starling(ムクドリ), blue magpie(オナガ), dusky thrush(ツグミ), Japanese white eye(メジロ) , wagtail (セキレイ), bush warbler(ウグイス). These eleven birds are the common birds which one can see in their garden and streets. In summer swallow would be into the list.
It is bulbul that is most difficutl to discribe of a japanese to a foreigner.
You can easily find there is no bulbul in the Webster's Dictionary of American English and Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus. I have failed to find a French word for Japanese Hi-yo-do-ri. In the Dorling Kindersley's POCKETS BIRDS, I found a kind of bulbuls. It is red-whiskered bulbul which does not like a Hiyodori-bulbul.
But this bulbul is the fourth popular bird in Tokyo.
(@高原公園, Takahara park, 高円寺北、 Koenjikita, Suginami ward)