one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


雑煮 nouriture de nouvelle année

2012-01-04 22:15:36 | Foods(食)

This small bowl is for the photograph.lololol.
I should have only this bowl of zoni-soup (chicken, radish, carrot and mituba-herb).
But I can't. I change this small bowl to the bigger one with more rice cakes to enjoy it with great satisfaction.
Thus I eat the food of celebration too much to raise my heart pressure into the danger level for my life. lololol
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黒豆納豆餅 mochi avec soya etuvé et fermenté

2012-01-04 22:14:47 | Foods(食)

When I was a kid, I loved the rice cake with fermented soy beans in the New Year holidays. Now I love it still.
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紅梅と寒椿 gateaux de nouvelle année

2012-01-04 22:12:36 | cake(ケーキ)

For an exercise, I take a walk around the town to get two pieces of Japanese cakes. The wife of patisserie advices me not to have them at one time.
But I can't do it. Lololol.
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枯葉の町 ville de feuilles mortes

2012-01-04 22:11:22 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The strong wind blows through the town. And owing to the holidays no sweepers work to clear the falling leaves.

(中杉通り、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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正月嵐 ouragon de nouvelle année

2012-01-04 22:09:29 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The strong cold wind blows and kicks the bicycles down around the town.

(杉並区役所玄関、The Suginami Ward Office, Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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風で落ちかけている巣 un nid emporté

2012-01-04 22:06:56 | sky/weather/season

I find a curious one among the branches of a zelcova tree. That is a nest of crow made with wire hangers and twiggy. It is almost fallen to the road.

中杉通り、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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ムール貝のスープ soupe de la moule

2012-01-04 22:06:02 | Foods(食)

After so very cold morning the hot soup is the best lunch. There are very few restaurants where they could serve mussel soup in Tokyo. I find it in a bakery and cafe. It's very good.

(Picnics, 西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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招き猫風 la réceptionniste de chat

2012-01-04 22:05:12 | cats(猫)

She watches the view of street outside of her owner's bakery. When a client walks into the shop, she wouldn't move a millimeter.
I believe every bakery where cats live freely is a good bakery. The bread is very good.
(Picnics, 西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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やっぱり寒いね Elle est froide.

2012-01-04 22:04:23 | cats(猫)
After watching the street for half an hour, she can't stand up to coldness beside the glass.
(Picnics, 西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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ここが一番 Elle gagne sa place.

2012-01-04 22:03:19 | cats(猫)

And she sits down before the electric stove by my side.

(Picnics, 西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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