one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


8Gメモリ+64ビット 8Go Mémoire + 64 bit

2012-08-05 20:28:23 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

This is my new PC. The watching YouTube with big video is very comfortable.
There is no stop in the sound and video. The 64 bit OS and 8 giga memories are so powerful. The time has surely changed, I must admit.
I can fully enjoy the 2 hours motion pictures ( or I should say movies) of my favorite musicians.

But writing and the sampling of pictures with the old IBM machine with 2 giga memory with XP and with 23 inch monitor can give me the satisfaction even now. I used to it. So I will write with the old partner.
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こおりかふぇ Les glaçon de café

2012-08-05 20:26:49 | cake(ケーキ)

They freeze the hot coffee and then crash the frozen coffee.
At the shop they lay the crashed frozen coffee into the glass.
And they pour the fresh milk.
I've had the same drink in a coffee shop at Shinjuku. It was very very good.
But this one is only good in the hot afternoon.

(鎌倉甘露泉, Shinyokohama station)
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シェイクシェイククリック ne pas moi

2012-08-05 20:25:08 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

When my TX5 was trembling, I shook and shook to stop the vibration.
It stopped with happen to push the shutter button. This is the shot.
I didn't take it. The camera did it. Not me.
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夕日さす自由が丘駅 la gare de «Liverty Hill »

2012-08-05 20:24:06 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I can't understand why this town is so popular to the youth.
I've never gotten off at this station.
But this moment is beautiful, I say with sure.

(自由が丘駅、自由が丘二丁目、Jiyugaoka, Meguro ward)
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通話テレスピ Tele-spi?

2012-08-05 20:17:45 | what?why?(ん?)

When the waiting train gets late, I always walk near to this box to listen the speaker giving the informations to the stuff of the station. This box is called TELESUPI. The mean, I think, should be « tele-speaker. » Japanese love the two or four syllables abbreviation in their life and business.
They change the English words and phrases into the Katakana Japanese. Then they abbreviate the words into the two or four syllable katakana Japanese. The result is no English native speaker who could understand Japanese can understand the meaning of their katakana jargons.

(品川駅15番線ホーム、Shinagawa station, Shinagawa ward)
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西大井駅梅雨夕 un soir de pluie

2012-08-05 20:14:20 | sky/weather/season

The rainy season ended a few weeks before. I miss the cool rainy evening, now.

(西大井駅、NishiOoi station, Shinagawa ward)
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銀座熊本館日曜朝 le matin du dimanche

2012-08-05 20:12:51 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Can the woman dance with this heavy thing on her head in real?

(Ginza, Chuo ward)
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2012-08-05 20:11:10 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Only the manequins are waiting for their watchers. It's before eight o'clock in the morning.

(Ginza, Chuo ward)
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銀座日曜朝 Ginza, le matin du dimanche

2012-08-05 20:09:58 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Very few people walk in Ginza in the early Sunday morning.

(Ginza, Chuo ward)
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つむぎやのつむぎ le pongé

2012-08-05 20:04:15 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The ponge has not been used for the daily clothes. It's only used to the women's kimono, now.
It used to be used for the farmer's working clothes almost four hundred years ago. In the Edo era, some fashion-leaders thought to use it for men's kimono.
They thought it's very cool and new. Thus, the ponge became a very decent material. And the women learned the men's sense for fashion.

(Tsumugiya, Ginza, Chuo ward)
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