I got a new compact digital camera. The right is my old one, CX2 and the left, CX6.
The both lens units are the same one. The great progression have been achieved in the software and the sensor. With the CX2, I've had to take the picture under ISO 200. With the new one, I can use it even at the ISO 1600. I think the ISO 1600 picture of CX6 would be better than the ISO 400 picture of CX2. Heaven!
I got a new compact digital camera. The right is my old one, CX2 and the left, CX6.
The both lens units are the same one. The great progression have been achieved in the software and the sensor. With the CX2, I've had to take the picture under ISO 200. With the new one, I can use it even at the ISO 1600. I think the ISO 1600 picture of CX6 would be better than the ISO 400 picture of CX2. Heaven!