one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


焼き切られる それとも 焼き溶けるか 選べエエエ 2022Halloween02

2022-10-16 22:58:39 | sky/weather/season
PA062377.jpg ISO 200 25mm f/2 1/60s
Donne moi le plus gaz pour flamboyer tout.
Give me more gaz and I'll melt everything down to the hell.

(Shinagawa station, Minato ward)
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母はこぼれ止め La mère des chatons

2022-10-16 06:50:28 | cats(猫)
/220520003rx6.jpg ISO 125 43mm f/4 1/50s
La mère est une barricade pour tomber.
The mather is a barricade for falling-down.

(品川駅横須賀線ホーム裏、the Shinagawa railroad station, Minato ward, Tokyo)
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