one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


2022Halloween-10 南瓜 Les deux potirons

2022-10-23 19:08:20 | cake(ケーキ)
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Déjà mangais le petit potiron. Je suis Cakeater, hehe.
Already enjoyed the small pumpkin. I'm Cakeater, hehe.
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2022Halloween-09 年中ハローインの高円寺 Les 365jours Haloween ville

2022-10-23 18:55:30 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
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Koenji est la ville dont tous les jours sont le Halloween. Je l'aime bien.
Koenji is the town where they hold the Halloween every day. I love the town.

(南高円寺、Minamikoenji, Suginami ward)
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厚着客 On se couvre bien.

2022-10-23 18:42:01 | sky/weather/season
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C'est l'automne. On se couvre bien.

Autumn soir, people begin to put on warm clothes.

(業務スーパー高円寺店, Suginami ward)
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4面モニタ Les quatre moniteurs

2022-10-23 18:30:36 | 電車の中、ホーム・線路 train
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Il y a quatre moniteurs au quai de la gare Shinagawa station.
There are four monitors at the platform of the Shinagawa staion.

(品川駅、Shinagawa station, Minato ward)
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睨みあい 椋鳥VS烏 les étourneaux v.s. les corbeaux

2022-10-23 18:07:35 | birds, fish and others(生物)
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Les corbeaux guettent l'étourneau qui reste seul. Les étourneaux n'ont pas la chance d'être attaqué.

The crows look for the chance to take a lonely gray starling. But the starlings watch the crow's moving.

(阿佐谷南3丁目、Asagaya, Suginami ward)
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