202130003rx6 ISO 125 24mm f/2.8 1/160s
Ils fleurissaient après les beaucoup de dégâts par les insects en printemps.
Two years ago, in the spring, this camelia tree was heavily damaged by the insects.
But the flowers opened fully and pretty.
But now, the tree was cut down when the old appartment house was broken in 2021. I miss the flowers.
(コーポ天沼、天沼2丁目3-11、杉並区、Amanuma , Suginami ward)
Il n'y a rarement de la terre non couvrée par quelque chose dans le Tokyo.
Now we have little chance to see frost covering the ground. In the Tokyo area, almost of the grounds and roads are coated with something. Even ten years ago, even in the suburbs, we could rarement see the raw ground but only in the construction sites.
(八王子石川町、Hachioji city, Tokyo)