one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo



2012-08-11 19:45:58 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I feel something of the surrealism at the pavement in front of the Tazaki Pearl shop.

(Ginza, Chuo ward)
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Tarnish Revive (San Turtle (Pro))
2012-08-13 07:15:17
The pavement has a very awesome coloured structure. The building mirrored it, thus the light beams between both gives the homeless a question as is change the town the time or the time the town.
I mean, better to sit on the pavement as on the street - homeless or not. lol
Unfortunately - not every day is a good day. Make we the best with struggle of live and fry small fish. lol

If someone sat on this pavement, (Cakeater)
2012-08-20 01:01:08
a policeman soon would come to kick him out.
The Ginza is the important place for Tokyo Metropolitan Police.
Once I saw an African American disputing with the policemen about the racial discrimination in the inspection of the Japanese police.
I regret to admit the accusation hit the center of the common Japanese mind.

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