one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ニョロニョロのお花見ゼリー hattifnattar

2008-04-11 22:08:45 | cake(ケーキ)

I eat a hattifattener. The electric shock doesn't happen on my tongue.

(@Moomin, 後楽一丁目、Koraku, Bunkyo ward)
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ふふふ。 (にゃんころりん)
2008-04-11 22:10:20
返信する (svllee)
2008-04-17 07:02:10
Hi Sam! What is this ? Electric shock? Is it a dessert. I have a favour to ask you..please.. I am trying to find a UV or protection filter for 69mm diameter lens. I know Panasonic makes one, for its Lumix LC1, but I cannot seem to find this size anywhere on the internet! If you know any camera stores in Tokyo that might have one, would love to have it. I will pay you the cost soon.
Sorry, I've been too busy to write articles. (Cakeater)
2008-04-27 09:43:02
> Nyankororin-san,
In this restaurant, at many tables Moomin character dolls sit. It's very funny the Moomin Papa sits with an old gentleman.
Nyoro-nyoro (hattifattener)is not so delicious, but funny.

>Hi, Steven.
This restaurant is for readers of The Valley of Moomin
The hattifatteners always chases the electric storm to eat the electricity. So I am a little afraid that this jelly of hattifattener would give me the electric shock.
I read your comment today(April 26), I will start to look for the UV filter for 69mm lens in Tokyo.
返信する (svllee)
2008-05-01 01:17:20
Hmm..still don't understand what is hattifattener but will look at the wiki link! Thanks, don't worry about the filter, only if you happen to come across one in your journeys. I am in Malaysia now, ho I wish I can visit Tokyo again soon, perhaps later in the year! Will certainly meet up with you and Sustena and Honey! Hait!
返信する (svllee)
2008-05-28 01:40:10
Hello Sam, how are you? Have you been busy? I have found the 69mm filter already on ebay. Thanks for looking!

Hi, Steven, (Cakeater)
2008-06-15 19:12:55
I am very happy to read you found the filter.
Yesterday, I went to Akihabara to check R8.
I can't stop to look into used filter corners of the shops.

I can't know when my hard working days will finish? But the one educational event is over and I needn't to make documents for worker's education. So, I can use about half an hour for this blog a day.

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