one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


日本橋川と豊海橋 le pont Toyomi

2009-09-25 21:48:16 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the Edo era, this area was the important point of the water transportation.
The left side area of the Toyomi bridge(豊海橋)was a big office and base of Tokugawa navy. Tokugawa navy was called The Pirates(海賊衆).
And the opposite bank area of the Sumida river were the big ship bases and mansions of the Pirates.
I like the design of this bridge which was reconstructed in 1927 after the falling down by the biggest earthquake in 1925.

(水上バス、墨田川, Boat Ride, Sumida river)
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The design of this bridge (Cakeater)
2009-09-26 21:22:48
is the result of considering to the design of the Eitai bridge.
The bridge is the first vierendeel bridge in Japan. (Wikidpedia)
The design of this bridge is unique. (Lucian)
2009-09-26 20:28:11
This is built by the strength design of the principle which is the same as the steel frame building.
It is called Rigit Frame structure.

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