one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


難波橋は銀座と言えるか?Une vue de la Ginza

2016-11-10 18:34:09 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

C'est sûrement une problem. Est-ce que la Naniwabashi est un coin de la Ginza? Je me trouve que j'hésite de nommer la place la lieu de la Ginza.

I hesitate to decide this place, Naniwabashi is in the Ginza town.
The Ginza town has seven quaters as postal adress. But the atmosphere of Ginza for me is not here. No fashionable and luxurious things.

The Ginza in my mind is not the town where Mr. Trump could walk around with money and dirty words. hehe

(銀座、Ginza, Chuo ward)
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