one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


鶴と紅梅 gateaux pour la nouvelle année

2013-01-01 21:32:46 | cake(ケーキ)

The cake for the new year are crane and red Ume (Japanese pram).
I remember the day when I had a very happy time with Irma at this cake shop.
(椿山虎屋、阿佐谷南、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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Unknown (irma)
2013-01-28 10:27:07
that was such a happy day for me, too! and this post makes me happier. please keep an eye on the mail. i have package on its way to you. i hope your new year has been good and continues to get better.
Good morning! Irma. (Cakeater)
2013-03-04 06:01:01
The coldest weeks would pass soon here.
I've worked six days a week these two months.
The health have gotten better and better day by day.
I now worry about the gaining weight again, lolol.

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