one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


アオサギ un heron

2013-01-01 21:31:49 | birds, fish and others(生物)

It's a long long neck it has.

(京浜運河,Keihin canal, Shinagawa ward)
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Thank you for your doctor's advice. (Cakeater)
2013-03-04 05:56:52
But it's very hard to have meat only once a week...
I like to have fish, but I love to have meat. Lol.
Thank you for your greeting, Bourg san. (Cakeater)
2013-03-04 05:52:34
Oh, if the Go-game was invented in Holland, the white stones would be colored in blue and gray. lolol
P. S. (Turtle Pro (San))
2013-01-13 01:25:59
This is a shy bird. If one think to many on his own health, it will fly away.
Health Advices for Life (Turtle Pro (San))
2013-01-12 08:39:55
My doctor advices me such things: Take a solution for your blood-pressure - drugs. Daily makes a walk and also for your soul. Be very carefull with salt and sugar. Eat fish, vegetables and only the week meat or not (but never daily). Be carefull with alcohol: wine and most impressive other drinks. I drink red-wine only the week and with further the years I drink more a half bottle than a whole. Don't smoke - very important (Here in Germany we have an prohibition for smoke in gastronomy). Even so smoke on privat, go on balcon and change your clothes if your husband is non-smoker (neigborhood smoking damage brain cells). Make exercises for your brain - read and think about. Thus, the rest is the solution of god's formation this universe (Galaxy) and anyway the genes LOL.
蒼鷺 (ブル)
2013-01-09 12:54:46
Ik wens je een gelukkig nieuwjaar,
vooral met je gezondheid.

I wish you a happy new year,
especially with your health.


蒼鷺ですね。英語名は Grey Heron ですね。英語では灰色としていますが、
オランダ名は Blauwe Reiger で、意味は 青い鷺 です。むかし調べたことが

蘭名は Blauwe Reiger となってますが、オランダにはこの青鷺しかいません
から単に Reiger と呼ばれています。g の発音記号は x、スペイン語の g や
スコティッシュの ch と同じ音になります。喉をこすり上げるような感じで
h の音を出すと発音記号 x の音が出ます。ライヘル。日本人には相当な訓練が


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