one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


通話テレスピ Tele-spi?

2012-08-05 20:17:45 | what?why?(ん?)

When the waiting train gets late, I always walk near to this box to listen the speaker giving the informations to the stuff of the station. This box is called TELESUPI. The mean, I think, should be « tele-speaker. » Japanese love the two or four syllables abbreviation in their life and business.
They change the English words and phrases into the Katakana Japanese. Then they abbreviate the words into the two or four syllable katakana Japanese. The result is no English native speaker who could understand Japanese can understand the meaning of their katakana jargons.

(品川駅15番線ホーム、Shinagawa station, Shinagawa ward)
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