Flowers of a star anise bloom calmly and quietly behind its leaves.
Almost of people look at the green leaves without finding these flowers.
(@ 田園調布南, Denenchohuminami, Oota ward)
I have already walked for half an hour to enter the restaurant at Honancho.
There is a few places for lunch.
The price is high and the taste is not so bad.
(@和泉4丁目、Izumi 4chome, Suginami ward)
A cherry tree is blooming above the Kanda river(神田川).
Around here, the town development programs are almost complete. The trees in the wide site of railroad yard with old rails , old houses and old wooden buildings vanished. The new street trees shows their poor green among the skyscrapers. This old cherry tree rests still there.
The moss world on a wall is about to be the endless dry season. The moss rapidly make white sporangia to survive hard environmental and other parts of moss turn brown to die.