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Ramadan in Olympic

2012-07-31 11:38:09 | インポート

Good Morning, It`s Hasan again and I am so happy to hear Japan won it`s first gold medal.

Todays topic will be Ramadan in Olympic and during this month how the muslim athletes does their sports at Olympic without eating and drinking.

The coinciding timetable of Ramadan and the Olympics poses a dilemma for all observant Muslims. As the games coincide with the Islamic holy month, Muslim athletes face a tough choice. To fast or not to fast? But no muslim wants to miss this Holy month Ramadan.

It's a dilemma faced by about 3,500 Muslim athletes at London 2012, which coincides with a time of year when they would normally forgo food, drink and sex between dawn and dusk.
Most Muslim countries have given their athletes special dispensation to postpone Ramadan during the Games, to help them maintain their strength, and fast when they return home.

The coach of the United Arab Emirates men's football team said Wednesday that his team will not be fasting, and the High Egyptian Islamic Council gave athletes a reprieve by announcing  religious edict, stating that Olympic athletes are not required to fast during coaching or competition.

It`s actually very difficult for any Muslim including me what to do in this kind of situation, the choice will be very difficult because many Muslim start their fasting when they are 13 or 14 years old and just because of the Olympic not fasting would belong to  those who make that decision.

Take a look at Morocco men`s footbal team, 9 out of 11 players were fasting when they played against Honduras their first game. I and you can imagine how difficult and though to  play 90 minutes without any water. 2 players were chosen to provide random unrine sample for doping control.

But they found very diffucult to comply because`` they haven`t drunk any water since 2.30 am `` said Morocco`s football coach. He said he never seen anything like that but he was very respectful those who fasted and also very proud performance they have put on the field.

Like I said it is already hard for me under 35 and 36 degree weather and sometimes I am inside home or inside here at the center doing not so much thing  but can you please take a moment and think how these people at the Olympic perform their fasting while compete their games?

Thank you and more gold for Japan








大部分のイスラム教の国はアスリート達に運動能力を維持するために競技期間中はラマダンを繰延にする特別な制度を適用しています。彼等は帰国した後に断食を行います。アラブ首長国連邦(Arab Emirates)の男性のフットボールチームのコーチは水曜日、彼のチームは断食を行わないと言っています。また高等エジプトイスラム評議会(High Egyptian Islamic Council)は宗教上の布告を行い、イスラム教徒のアスリート達は指導中または競技中は断食の必要は無いとしています。このことは、私も含めてイスラム教徒にとってこの種の状況は実際に非常に難しい問題です。何故なら、多くのイスラム教徒は断食を13 から14歳の時に始め、そしてそれがオリンピックだからといって断食をしない決断をせまられるのです。モロッコの男性フットボールチームを見てください。11人中9人の選手がホンジュラスとの最初のゲームで断食をしました。 90分間も水を飲まないで試合をすることが如何に 困難であるか 想像してみてください。2人の選手がドーピングコントロール用としてラマダン小水サンプルを提出するために選ばれました。しかし、朝の2時半から一滴の水を飲んでないので彼等はそれに従うことが非常に難しいことが分かったとモロッコのフットボールチームのコーチが言っていました。


私が言うように、 35度や36度の天候の時またあるときは自宅で、またあるときは国際交流会館の中でたいしたことをしていなくても、 私にとっては既にこれが難しいことです。



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