Vancouver is coastal seaport city of the Biritish Columbia. It has 2.8 million residents and 3th biggest metropolitan area in Canada. In 1886 became a city named after Captain George Vancouver. Very diverse city, %52 of the population English is not the first language.
In 2009 Vancouver became the busiest and largest port in Canada. Forestry and Tourism two of the biggest industry. It also has largest film production centers in North America. Vancouver is choosen 5 years in row, first city to rank among the top ten of the world most liveable city.It also hosted 2010 Winter Olympic.
Vancouver is one of the warmer and also wettest city in Canada. In winter ranked 4th warmer city in Canada. On average snow fall in winter on 11 days per year with 3 days receiving 6cm. Summer in Vancouver mostly hot and dry, average 22 C in July and August and high goes up to 30 C and highest tempetature ever recorded in the city was 2009 July 30 with 34.4 C. In 2006 or 2007 it has rained 28 days in a row as I remember.
The city ranked most expensive city to live in Canada. Real Estate is very expensive and also second largest in North America after Los Angeles. Vancouver also choosen 10th clean city in the world. Time zone is PST and 16 hours time differenece between Vancouver and Japan.
Vancouver has very diverse population with mainly Asian, follow by South Asia and South East Asia. I think almost over %50 of the population is Asian. Because it is close to Asian countries and also warm and livable weather Vancouver has atracting many investors and people from Asia side and making the city very expensive to live.
Stanley Park, English Bay, Capilano Suspension Bridge, Botanical Gardens, mountains are some of the many place to go visit. Hockey is number one sport in Canada and Vancouver has its own team called ``Vancouver Canucks``.
Vancouver is sister city with Yokohama, Japan.
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バンクーバーはBiritish Columbiaの沿岸の街です。人口280万人でカナダで3番目に大きな都市です。1886年、この街はCaptain George Vancouverと新しく名付けられました。そして、52%の人々の母国語は英語ではありません。
Stanley Park, English Bay, Capilano Suspension Bridge, Botanical Gardens,mountains にたくさんの人々が訪れます。カナダではアイスホッケーが最も人気のスポーツで、バンクーバーのチームの名前は``Vancouver Canucks``です。