Last month I went to Istanbul, Turkey. It has been 12 years that I haven`t gone back. I was little nervous and excited to go back to see Istanbul and my family.
It was 11 hours flight from Fukuoka to Istanbul and when I arrived, I saw my only two brothers waiting at the gate. It was very emotional and happy moment. And we went my brother`s home driving at night but couldn`t see my beloved Istanbul.
Since 2001 I`ve left Istanbul, the Turkey has changed and as well as the city. There was a new government and new image of Turkey. Istanbul had also new face in many ways. Of course after 12 years you can see many changes just to looking around.
First thing I`ve noticed was city has built many many big shopping mall. In part 1 I`ve mentioned Istanbul has largest shopping mall in Europe. They were very modern,has many designer shops and very clean. Construction business also risen past 12 years. I saw many many tall,very modern luxury buildings.
Transportation always a problem in istanbul but they made many upgrades in many ways. They added more subway lines, they built a road just for a buses middle of the busiest highway. This road start in Europe side west side of istanbul and goes to Asia side to east side of the istanbul. No traffic, no problem. Before If you wanted to travel from west side of Europe to east side of Asia, probably with the traffic 3 or 4 hours. And it calls Metrobus.
Many tourist side has been renovated and it looks just amazing. And food in Istanbul, there are some foods I haven`t eaten 12 years and that`s why I`ve gained 10kg in 1 month. I missed Istanbul blue water and eat barbeque fish side of the sea. Air was fresh and hot weather made my vacation much better.
I`ve taken 2500 pictures, saw my childhood friends, visited some family members in different cities. I`ve seen again my only 2 brothers. It was short trip but I was happy at the end. I don`t know what else to say but If you need more info you can visit following sites; orイスタンブル
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