


2024-03-26 15:38:04 | 日記


我家附近已經開了這麼多花了。 漫長的冬天過去了,春天終於來了。

So many flowers have already bloomed near my home. Long winter passed, and at last spring came.


2024-03-19 19:15:31 | 日記


最近春意盎然。 我家院子裏有很多野菊的新芽。 把這個用黃油炒,撒上帕爾馬乾酪一定很好吃。 馬上試了一下,結果做得很好吃。

Recently it got more like spring significantly. A lot of sprouts of the wild chrysanthemum appear in the garden of my home. If I fry this with butter and sprinkle parmesan cheese, surely it must be delicious. As a result of having tried it promptly, it was made very delicious.


2024-03-17 09:26:05 | 日記


春天終於來了。 這是我家院子裏盛開的花莖的下場。 最後收進了我的胃袋。 啊,很好吃。

Spring finally came. It is the end of the butterbur sprout which bloomed in the garden of my home. Finally, it fitted into my stomach. Oh, it was delicious.


2024-03-15 15:50:35 | 日記


這是劇毒魚的虎豚。 這真的是很好吃的魚。 為了劇毒魚烹飪這種魚必須通過國家考試。 但是如果是去除了毒部位的“缺身”的話,可以在魚店買到。 今天把這個做成了生魚片、火鍋和最後的雜燴粥。 非常好吃。

This is a tiger puffer of the hard poisonous fish. This is a really delicious fish. You must pass a national examination to cook this fish to save a hard poisonous fish. However, removed a poisonous part; \"lack in the position\", and can get in the fish shop. I made this zosui , sashimi and a pot of fish and vegetables cooked at the diner's table today finally. It was delicious very much.