


2020-07-31 09:40:02 | 日記


今天的午餐是炸雞和煎蛋。 它是烤黑芝麻和栗子,如菠菜,奧克拉,薩薩格,胡蘿蔔,和山藥。 甜品由東野地區當地當地日本糖果烏鴉製成,並包裹在附近的綠地公園採摘的筍皮中。

Today's box lunches are a chicken food fried without coat and an omelet. Simmering of vegetables with sesame paste dressing and bracken and sweet potato tempura of spinach, okra, cowpea, carrot and beech shimeji mushroom. Tono local hometown Japanese confection dried mullet roe was wrapped in leather of the bamboo shoot adopted at Green pork near the work connection for dessert.


2020-07-30 08:52:46 | 日記


今天的午餐是 炸猪丼。 炸猪肉碗人參青椒和薩蘇馬的天婦羅,這是一起炸豬肉片。 也有煮沸的米飯。

Today's box lunch is a pork cutlet bowl. The fritters and the sweet potato tempura of the burdock carrot green pepper a fried pork cutlet poured and fried are also same. There is also simmering of bracken.


2020-07-29 08:57:14 | 日記


今天的午餐是溫納香腸、薩蘇馬油炸和煎蛋捲。 蔬菜是奧克拉金豆人參與小松菜油炸炒和煮。 我排隊看起來很好,雖然只有材料匹配。

Today's box lunches are a wiener, fried fish paste baking and an omelet. Vegetables are Japanese mustard spinach mushroom thin fried tofu fry and boiling warehouse carrot of kidney beans. It was only the material of the availability, but it looked pleasant at least and I placed.


2020-07-28 08:33:59 | 日記


今天的午餐是壽司。 食材以蔬菜為中心,如菠菜、胡蘿蔔、西松海帶、稻草、奧克拉、豌豆、海藻、紅薑等。 還有卡內和金蛋。

Today's box lunch is sushi rice with a variety of vegetables. The material is spinach, carrot, shiitake mushroom seaweed, bracken, okra, kidney beans, laver and red pickled ginger at the center of vegetables. I also have crab boiled fish paste and fried egg cut like thread.


2020-07-27 07:52:26 | 日記


今天的午餐是牛肉碗。 生恨的國產黑牛肉是澳大利亞牛肉,因為它已經賣完了。 然而,我的烹飪技術讓我非常美味。

Today's box lunch is a beef bowl. Unfortunately the domestic black hair Japanese beef were sold out, so it's an Australian beef. But it's very good and done by my cooking technology.