


2020-04-30 08:35:04 | 日記


今天是我個人非常令人生因的日子,所以我煮了紅飯。 無色溫納和煎蛋捲和菠菜芝麻和切碎的蘿蔔燉菜是標準功能表,但也配以在附近的公園捕獲的瓦拉比。

Because it was a very simple day today personally, rice boiled with red beans was cooked. Uncolored Vienna, an omelet, spinach vegetables with sesame paste dressing and dried chipped radish cooked vegetables were the basic menu, but the bracken gathered at a park around here was also added.


2020-04-29 11:59:03 | 日記


荒池綠地這個名字來自這個荒池。 因此,如果你再仔細看,這是一個相當美麗的池塘。 這張照片是一面鏡子,上面有對岸的森林。 下一張照片是盛開的八重櫻花,盛開在池塘的岸邊。

The name called Araike green tract of land is derived from this Araike. When it's often seen once more in this way, it's quite beautiful pond. A picture seems to be the mirror from which a forest in an opposite shore was copied. The next picture is the full-blown double flowering cherry tree which bloomed in a ridge in a pond.


2020-04-28 11:02:23 | 日記


今天的午餐包括炸雞、球拍、炒飯和土豆沙拉。 它在房子的花園的一角很生。

Today's box lunch is a chicken food fried without coat, a croquette, butterbur thick fried tofu cooked vegetables and potato salad. A butterbur grows much in the corner in a garden in a house.



2020-04-27 08:11:05 | 日記


今天的午餐是烤鮭魚。 菠菜芝麻和芝麻,煎蛋等。 在這樣的時刻,吃得好,保護房子。

Today's box lunch is yellowtail teriyaki. Spinach vegetables with sesame paste dressing and an omelet, etc.. At such time, I'll eat and be a house tightly.


2020-04-26 10:03:14 | 日記


今天是從早上到天🍙。 土豆沙拉,自製的乾菜,蔬菜炒菜,小豆炒菜炒炒,胡椒醃制,自製味精味精湯包括在花園裡捕獲的豆腐、豆腐和瓦卡梅。 其他水果和牛奶也在這裡。 這是星期天,但我自私地出去,所以我無處可去。 至少我喜歡做一頓豐盛的早餐。

The one by which TENMUSU wrapped and rounded tempura in Tenmusu is a riceball from a morning is🍙 today. Of potato salad, homemade horse mackerel dried fish and vegetables, it's combed up and there is a field pea, tofu and seaweed which could be caught at a garden in hijiki cooked vegetables of soybeans, Japanese mustard spinach mushroom thin fried tofu fry, cucumber vegetables pickled in rice-bran paste and miso soup of homemade fermented soybean paste. Additionally I also have fruits and milk. Because it's Sunday, but going out is being checked, I go nowhere. Luxurious breakfast is being made and enjoyed at least.