


2021-02-27 15:24:53 | 日記


這個星期,我爬上了卡蘇加伊市的奧塔尼山。 卡蘇加伊格林皮亞的川津櫻花盛開了大約五分鐘。 科布西的花還在飛,山木花落在地上。

Mt. Otani in Kasugai-shi was also climbed this week. Kozu cherry の of a bud and YABUTSUBAKI still fell in the ground for a flower of a fist.


2021-02-25 16:20:45 | 日記


早春的花朵開始綻放。 今天下午,在波卡波卡的歡快邀請下,我們去了名古屋市農業中心,那裡以垂梅聞名。 照片(1)是水塔和垂梅。 照片(2)是梅花、菊花和白木蓮的菊花。 照片(3)是油菜花。 照片(4)是曼薩克花。

Flowers at early spring have begun to bloom. It was invited and drooped cheerfully warmly this afternoon, and I went to Nagoya-shi agricultural center famous for plum. Pictures(1) are a standpipe and droop plum. A picture(2) droops and is a bud of plum, Japanese allspice and white magnolia. A picture(3) is a rape blossom. A picture(4) is a flower of a witch hazel.


2021-02-24 09:21:57 | 日記


今天的便當是土匪的薩蘇馬油炸燒和雞肉的築前煮。 菠菜人參茸芝麻和。 它是煮的,是羅馬式的。 今天的臉是前衛的藝術。

Today's box lunches are fried fish paste baking with squid and chikuzen-ni chicken and vegetables with chicken. Spinach carrot mushroom vegetables with sesame paste dressing. It's boiled and it's ROMANESCO. Today's face is an avant-garde art.



2021-02-22 15:30:08 | 日記


今天的便當是特里亞基和煎蛋。 菠菜蘑菇人參芝麻和。 我放了羅曼內斯科 根菜是用特里亞基湯煮的。 我畫得不太好,但不知何故,我笑了。

Today's box lunches are yellowtail teriyaki and an omelet. Spinach mushroom carrot vegetables with sesame paste dressing. ROMANESCO also put it in. Root vegetable was boiled by soup of yellowtail teriyaki. A self-portrait couldn't be drawn too well, but I put on a smile somehow.


2021-02-20 09:15:55 | 日記


今天的午餐是🍙飯。 如雞內臟卵巢金康煮。 今天沒有麵條盒飯,但從現在開始,我帶這個便當去爬上通常的卡蘇卡三山。 我計劃發佈山頂紀念照片的真實面值。我來。

🍙 Is a rice-ball for today's box lunch. Chicken ovary kumquat boiling of internal organs. There are no today's facial box lunches, but usual Kasuga three mountains are climbed with this box lunch now. It's expected to post an actual face on a commemorative photograph of the top. Then, I go, oh, I go visit.