

10月の花壇 / Flower bed in October

2024-10-02 22:42:17 | 日記


For residents who had never cared for plants before moving in, the home's flower beds are an opportunity for new discoveries and encounters.


First up is the morning glory. It has climbed higher and higher than last year, and is watching me from the window of my workroom on the second floor.

その「アサガオ」の足元には、白い花を咲かせた「タカサゴ フヨウ」。昨年は顔を見た覚えが無いのですが、秋を謳歌しています。
At the base of the morning glory is the white-flowered hibiscus. I don't remember seeing it last year, but it is enjoying autumn.

「アサガオ」とは違い、少し日陰になりがちな場所で上へ上へとツルを伸ばしているのは「マルバルコウ」。 小さなオレンジ色の花ををきらめかせています。
Unlike the morning glory, the vines that grow higher and higher in a place that tends to be a little shady are the marubarukou. They are sparkling with small orange flowers.

And the wood sorrel that occupied a corner of the flower bed last year. This year, the distribution of power in the flower bed has changed, and it is blooming with modest pink flowers.

この花壇では、何もしない住人に代わり、環境の変化(?)に合わせて次々の 新しい顔ををのぞかせてくれています。今日(10/2)、僕も 新しい場所へ出向き、新しい人々と出会いました。 また、明日からの人生の愉しみが増えました。

In this flower bed, instead of the idle residents, new faces are peeking out one after another in response to the change in the environment (?). Today (10/2), I also went to a new place and met new people. I have more fun in life from tomorrow onwards.