

3Dプリンターは生物を模倣する / 3D printers that mimic life forms

2024-10-25 22:56:33 | 日記


The latest supercars, low-volume, high-value vehicles, are all using parts made with 3D printers for metal.


sources : Life in the FAST LANE



しかし、近い将来、AIの利用技術は一般的になる事は間違いないので、3Dプリンターを使った同様な部品の製造が可能になるでしょう。少なくとも、マニングセンタやCNCフライスなどを駆使して作られた特殊な部品よりも、3Dプリンターで作られた最適形状の部品の方が評価が高くなるでしょう。更に、カーボンファイバーなどの複合素材用の3Dプリンターが開発されれば、圧倒的な優位性を持つ部品が F1等の車両に広く利用されるでしょう。オートバイだと、スイングアームに最初に採用されるでしょう。高剛性で軽量、しかも最適なエアロダイナミクスを持つ、チーターの骨格を思わせる様なスイングアームです。夢が広がる技術です。


The article shows, with images, that suspension structural parts are being made with 3D printers in the McLaren W1, Ferrari F80, and Bugatti Tourbillon. And the most interesting thing is that all of them are shaped like the skeleton of an organism or living thing. As you can see from the parts they are used in, this is not the result of prioritizing styling, but rather the result of designing using AI to make them lighter with less material, and to pursue higher strength and better aerodynamics. The most notable thing is that they look just like the skeletons of organisms that have evolved over billions of years.

In addition, with a 3D printer, it is even possible to manufacture hollow parts with truss structures inside, making it the perfect manufacturing method for low-volume, high-performance, high-value vehicles.

However, it is certain that AI technology will become commonplace in the near future, so it will be possible to manufacture similar parts using 3D printers. At the very least, parts with optimal shapes made by 3D printers will be more highly rated than special parts made using machining centers, CNC milling cutters, etc. Furthermore, if 3D printers for composite materials such as carbon fiber are developed, parts with overwhelming advantages will be widely used in vehicles such as F1 cars.
For motorcycles, it will probably be first used in swingarms. High rigidity, light weight, and with optimal aerodynamics, the swingarm resembles the skeleton of a cheetah. It is a technology that expands dreams.