

ソックス / Socks

2024-10-03 20:25:52 | 日記

ここ赤穂では、昨夜から雨が続き、今日(10/3)は雨続きの日になりました。そのためか、日中でも20℃ ほどの気温で、足元が涼しく、思わずソックス を履きました。

It has been raining since last night, and today (10/3) is a rainy day. Because of this, the temperature was about 20℃ even during the day, and my feet were cool, so I instinctively put on socks.

ひと月前には暑い日が続き、足元にある PC からの排熱で余分に汗をかいていたのですが、今日はその 排熱 さえ感じられないほどです。そして、今週末には更に気温が下がるとの予報も出ており、本格的に秋が始まっているようです。

A month ago, the hot weather continued, and I was sweating excessively from the heat emitted by the PC at my feet, but today I can't even feel the heat. And it's predicted that the temperature will drop even further this weekend, so it seems that autumn has really begun.
Everyone, please take care of your health and spend a wonderful autumn in good health.