

雨空に鳴くコシアカツバメ / Red-rumped Swallow Cries in the Rain

2024-05-19 19:41:55 | 日記


The Red-rumped swallow decided to build a new home in my house, and since April, my girlfriend and I have been working hard every day to build a new home. The distance between the two of them had gradually narrowed since she started the interior decoration work, but early yesterday morning, the house was attacked by a couple of sparrows in the neighborhood, and the area near the entrance was severely damaged. . (red part)



Even though their new house was destroyed, yesterday I could see them thinking outside the window, but today it was raining, and even in the evening, he was alone. , He keep calling out to her from a higher wire than usual, which makes me feel very bad.


I'm sure it'll be sunny tomorrow. I hope things get better.

”バタフライ効果”で、二人来(きた)る / Two people come due to the “butterfly effect”

2024-05-17 19:17:38 | 日記


Since I started cleaning the roads at traffic parks, a ``butterfly effect'' has been occurring. However, the characteristic of the butterfly effect is that you never know what will happen next. I wasn't expecting much, but today, it happened.


今日は、朝早くより発作が始まり、予定していた路面清掃を行なうのを諦め、休んでいたところ、異変は音と共にやって来ました。少しだけ賑やかなオートバイの排気音がやって来て、続いてドアチャイムの音が 2階まで届きました。全く心当たりのない排気音なので、少し不安に感じながら、下りて、ドアを開けたところ、少し見覚えのある男性二人が立っていました。

Today, I had a heart attack early in the morning, so I gave up on cleaning the road that I had planned to do and was resting when something strange happened with a sound. The sound of a slightly lively motorcycle exhaust came, followed by the sound of a door chime reaching his second floor. The exhaust sound was completely unfamiliar to me, so I was a little worried, so when I got out of the car and opened the door, I saw two men who looked a little familiar standing there.


One is the person who supported GRA from the beginning when it was established in 1991. This is a person with whom I had no contact at all after the event held in July 1994. The other person was someone I used to meet halfway up the mountain when I was mountain climbing on my motorcycle around 1988. He helped me prepare for moving once last year, but I haven't seen him much since 1990. This is the person who Even though these two people didn't even know each other, they came to see me on motorcycles for the first time.

聞けば、二人共、今日予定していた路面清掃にやって来て、そこで知り合って、清掃を少し行なった後で “様子見” にやって来てくれたのです。

When I asked them about it, they both came to the street cleaning scheduled for today, met each other there, and after doing some cleaning, they came over to see how things were going. I was surprised. Because of this, two people who hadn't seen each other for many years came together. And I'm also a little upset. I wonder what will happen if road cleaning continues like this.


Either way, there is no doubt that life is full of surprises, anxieties, and hopes. However, as a small-time citizen, I am unsure whether I should post the next event information on the Internet or not. I'll think about it overnight, but with some trepidation, I'll have to wait and see and move in the direction I believe.



きっと、今晩は鯵のフライ / I'm sure Fried Horse Mackerel for Dinner

2024-05-16 13:41:56 | 日記


My sister cares about me.
And she sometimes sends me things of her own.
Even when I was sick, she sent me food.

「“どこでもドア ” があればねぇ ~」と、

My sister lives far away.
So sometimes she says unreasonable things.
“I want the DORAEMON’s “Anywhere Door”

きっと、今晩は 鯵のフライが食べられるでしょう。

She said the same thing last night.
“We have freshly caught horse mackerel.”
So I made a "Anywhere Door."
I'm sure fried horse mackerel will be on my table tonight.


今日のコシアカツバメたち / Today's Red-rumped Swallows

2024-05-15 19:00:28 | 日記

当然ですが、毎日、朝早くからやって来る コシアカツバメたち

Naturally, the Red-rumped swallows come early in the morning every day. He was always the first one to arrive, so I naturally began to recognize him.


Compared to her, he is a little thinner, and perhaps because of the difference in body size, his voice is high pitched and sharp. She cries in a short, deep voice, "Let's go!"


There was a slight change in the relationship between the two. The distance between them suddenly narrowed, and she aggressively approached him. But he got scared and flew away.


I had a seizure early this morning. The heart becomes less active and blood pressure drops significantly. I woke up every now and then and slept until the evening.It's a shame that I can't move as devotedly as a male swallow every day.

発作と共に生きていく / Living with Seizures

2024-05-14 21:07:38 | 日記

2023年 5月9日、心不全で入院した際の事は忘れられません。身体の事はあまり気に留めず、随分と長い年数、無理を重ねていたからで、健康の大切さを身に染みて学んだ日々でした。

I will never forget what happened on May 9th 2023, when I was hospitalized for heart failure. I didn't pay much attention to my body and had been pushing myself too hard for many years, so these were the days when I learned the importance of good health.


心房細動を抑える薬や肺に溜まった水や浮腫を起こして両脚に溜まっていた水分(両脚で 10㎏以上の水)の排出の為の薬、そして、心房の中一杯に大きく育っていた血栓(エコー映像で見ると心房一杯に歯車の様な形になっていました)を溶かす薬まで、最も多い時で、3種類の点滴を電子機器で投与を行ない、心電図と酸素飽和度メーターで監視しながら、点滴量をコントロールしている様子です。


Even after being discharged from the hospital, I am not completely cured, and I still have regular seizures, but I am currently learning how to deal with these ``seizures'' in order to reduce their frequency and duration.