

Self-standing butternives, bootsholders

2008-11-01 17:13:10 | Weblog

Above? Newly painted frontal view of my workshop.
It is by far the world smallest, and my intention is
to construct a 10 times larger one at our mountain cottage next year.

This is where I spent half of my time today, doing up
on the butterknives. Normally, I would have done that
right in the middle of the next image.

However, chrythantimums (I told you I am not good at spellings!)
were rampant and could not do it there... For that matter,
other plants are also rampant as can be seenfrom the image

one after the next.

Anyway, they were coated, immmdiately after. To the lower right
you see my favourites, so far, and I will zoom up on those.

See below They are there.

In fact, I mail-ordered last night an additional material of the same kind
used with the handles, yes, Borneo Iron Wood, and today's
mail is telling me that the delivery costs 3 times the price of the wood itself!

Above, see that I am sticking with it? Same initial
configuration and I will see what more may come out of this...
Iron wood is used here, too.

Their height is a lot more than that I allowed for so that
I have more freedom in coming up with final shapes for
commercially viable products.

Now, take a look at the following two.

I am actually awed by my own resourcefullness...
My new jig can take up to 20 bootsholders at a time.
No shears, and any of the irregularities are

hammered out (or down, rather...) by the hummer and
the wedge seen with this image.

Above is the driving mechanism, and if this does not work
then I will have to opt for a more solidly made system,
perhaps employing soft iron pieces here and there.

I hope not, and whether this is OK remains to be seen...

Oh, by the way, Conchita, there will be no logging tommorrow.
It is a BBQ day with my local pals. Hasta luego!

パエ-リャ 127

2008-11-01 17:11:53 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Comiendo bien con tu familia?

Aqui, hoy, si, hace buen tiempo. Ayer habia un poco de
viento, pero no lo hace hoy...

Bueno, vamos!

desde entonces

cerca del lugar donde ella habitaba

La tradicion dice que DK

siete dias despues

luego de una serie de NANINAI


desde cualquier lugar del mundo

durante siglos

en cada punto importante del camino hasta llegar a Santiago

al lo largo del camino

Conchita, bastante ahora no? Vamos ingles!

It is a rather outmoded term to use!?

You will have to sidle through the crowd!

just to round it off properly

You may call it that, but ....

I thought to myself that DK...

That is going back quie a long while!?

What is eating you!?

That is the line to take!

I could not get even a glimpse of anything!

The blind ws flapping...

Conchita, let us call it a day!
Take care and vaya con Dios!