

Self standing butter knives, bootsholders

2008-11-17 17:21:46 | Weblog
I woke up very early this morning at 07:30. That is early
by my standard, anyway. And yet it seems that what one can
do in a single day is limited.

My day started with coating. I am desperate as all these
have beee to order and I will have to deliver them as soon
as possible.

One of a pair of the chopstics, seen to the left is not
right in colour... It is not that I arbitarily picked up
the wrong colour. Originally they came from the same piece...

My gut feeling is that I will have to make another one.
That will add to my time...when I am only one of me!

There was a home work from yesterday. The belt sander was
not functioning and I had to repair it, before anything else.
Belt sander is a must and without it all of my work will

come to a grind halt... Having repaired it I snatched a bit
of my time to do my butter knives. I could not do all of
yesterday's, of course.

These above are, really, my experiment with two clumps
for each of the pieces. I will know the outomce tommorrow.

Quite a bit of my time was spent on driving to the DIY shop
where I can purchase Borneo iron wood off the shelf. It is difficult
to see that there are two of them, one on top of the other.

They should last me for the next 3 years easily, for the
kind of work I intend to do... They are very heavy, my
guess is that they weigh more than 10 kg.

You see a bar?, sitting atop the iron wood? It is rare to see
one of these on sale. This is a round cross section, broad leaf
piece for JPY only 80! Cheap!, extremely cheap! It measures

450mm and 12mm pi! I coud turn my wood to make some of
these, but I would not do that if you can buy one off
the shelf...

Anyhow, tommorrw, yes, I will be making a single chopstic,
curving out butter knives, inspection of my bootsholder
stock, sanding further side bars for my butter knives,

oh, yes, coating! Can't forger that! Who is there
to say I am not busy! Actually, I like it being busy,
as I always have been... I really do.

パエ-リャ 136

2008-11-17 17:21:29 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hoy aqui, hace buen tiempo. No viento.

cuando el semaforo esta en rojo

No tengo buena opinion de ellos!

el fumo de los tubos de escape

Lo que mucha gente no sabe es DK!

de todos modos

Parece que ha habido un accidente!

Lo que deberias hacer

La situacion no esta nada favorable!

Parece que esto empieza a moverse!

en la actualidad

Tobo que ser ingresada!

Conchi, basta para hoy! Vamos ingles!

Now, why do you say that!?

That was years ago!

DK, but I am asking you to!

We need a place to stay overnight!

DK, and we cannot rule her out, easier to rule her in!

She was implicated in that murder!

I like it here!

Do you like it here?

Who is there!? Who is at the window!?

You have a nice fire going!

What did you come here for!?

Conchita, that is about it for now.
Take care!