

Self-supportive butterknives, bootsholders

2008-11-06 17:09:52 | Weblog
I had usual chores this morning. I then ponderd over
what I might usefully do before lunch.

What follows was the answer. After all, it takes a long time
before these bootsholders-to be take their final shape.

There was a slight problem, however. Free ends of these
were crumped down OK, and lateral pressure was exerted OK,
but that meant that an arch (very small) was formed along the

laterally pressurised end.

Above was my emergency measure, two bricks to press down on
the arch. It was working OK when I had a last look. I will have
to come up with a neater solution, though...

Here aboveI am at long last on to the real situation,
a combination of what I call "black and white walnuts"

Since the relative weight of the black walnut is something like
0.6 I deliberately made the thickness of the side pieces
thicker than usual.

One on the lower right is my attempt to ctreate a template
for the arch in the handle. This was not very useful. It is
much quicker to use a real one, and I intend to keep that one

as such, i.e., a real version template...

My long awaited Broneo iron wood arrived today. I am very unhappy about this. It has, and I do not know what in the language, a whitish part all
along the wood. I will have to be choosy which part to use.

In the meantime, some more of these were made to their almost
final stage of completion.

Above, really, is the day's reward. Three beasts in stead
of two from yesterday. Today, I had an oder for three pairs
of chopsticks for kids.

Beasts will be coated when chopsticks are ready, along with
some others. I am, after all, being fairly busy!,
am I not?

Alas, though, I will be once again at our mountain cottage
in order to oversee some professional works in the garden.

My log will be stopped for a few days from this coming Sunday.

パエ-リャ 131

2008-11-06 17:09:35 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estoy bien!

Hoy aqui, hace buen tiempo. Ahora mismo hace un poco de
viento, pero, es muy agradable...

para que te tomes un cafe a mi salud

Parece que ha habido un accidente!

Aqui estamos parados mucho tiempo!

Nada de nada!

a igual que en tods los paises miembros de la Union Europea

el deporte ocupa un lugar importante en la sociedad!

con toda mi fuerza

con la esperanza de NANINAI

cada vez mas

el mas famoso

el el extranjero

poco a poco

ademas de NANINANI

Conchi, ya voy con la lengua inglesa!

Walk along the road to the right, and you will soon
find the bus stop!

a walking robot wih a slightly jerky stride

an article on the front page

that incident a few years back

It is hard to be humolous in a burrowed language!

It happens in all our neighbourhoods!

a memorial service for needles

There just is not as much sentiment as there once was!

Conchi, as I get closer to the end of this particular phrase book
I realise that I am no longer meeting expressions.

I suspect that by this stage in time I had met virtually
all I needed. After all, if you live in a foreign country
and are very serious in picking up expressions

there will be a time when marginal utility suddenly
drops...and consequently you opt out for nouns and
noun equivalents.

I am dead certain that that is what happened to me.

What is the course of action now? Simple, go back to
my rather tatty notebooks!

Vaya con Dios, Conchi!