

Habanero strives in my garden!

2009-06-16 17:47:07 | Weblog
Yesterday, I went to a botanical garden of wetlands and
could not make any logging.

In the following two schematics I am very aware of
my misspellings (this, too?) Anyway, the first schematic
is trying to give you a rought idea if what might be

required. In effect, rof windows will be stucked
onto the supporting protrusions. They will be secured
agaisnt rain by cementing fibre glass sheets

with polyester resin. I am dead certain that poluester
resin will do the job, because I constructed a dinghy
many, many years ago and used polyester resin

extensively for sealding work. No problem.

The next schematic is showing you the cross-section of
the roof window itself. Grooves for accommodating the
pane will be machined by the milling machine.

Again, fibre glass with polyetser resin cementing
will be made extensively.

All morning today was spent on chopstics coating. This photo
above is showing you very short (16cm) and very thin (5mm
maximum cross-section) chopstics. Use? Lunch boxes for girls!

This photo below shows another extreme end. Those dark ones
are 35cm long and are meant to be used in the kitchen.

You may see other ordinary sized chopstics, too.

Here below, I am trying to make some more bean curd
smashers. I do not know why, but these old style
smashers are popular with customers.

I think I will be documenting the knowhows
involved in my work for posterity. Quite how I might do it
still remains to be seen, though.

Will MPEG be alive after 40 years from now? What about
other formats? Will papers last for 40 years from now?
Many uncertain things that I see...

Here below, my habaneros! Aren't they lovely?!

I planted a few of these in my garden before setting out
for our mountain cottage, along with the chilist kind whose
names fails me right now.

They are now up and coming! I should imagine that
I should have done something similar in our mountain
cottage. Perhaps, next year.

We did plant something else, though. My mother and I
will be seeing the result after the rainy season.

I finished reading the Angels and Demons last night.
That means I covered the whole lot of 569 pages in
6 evenings.

I must say that being a physicist myself I was not
that impressed. Nonetheless, the scene is now firmly set
for my wife and I to go to the cinema to find out

whatever they made out of the story for the film!

パエ-リャ 272

2009-06-16 17:23:21 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui ahoramismo estamos teniendo una tormenta electrica en la actualidad con brotes de la luz en todo el cielo.

Es muy tipico de la epoca del a-nyo que hemos tormentas.

Ayer fui a un jardin botanico de los humedales, asi que no habia realizado la tala. Ahora entonces, vamos?

para buena parte de las personas con esta enfermedad

La felicidad es contagiosa!


cuantas mas personas felices conozcas mas probable
es que tu seas feliz!

Conectar con las personas felices mejora
tu propia felicidad!

Es una giganteca investigacion sanitaria!

un tesoro de datos

Esto se remonta a 1971

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

That has been at the back of my mind
for some time!

This is nearly as good!

There was a sheet of fire!

It makes you think you are not wanted!

Ferrets do not make pets!

All airlines are operating to schedule

Hecaught me off balance!

That captures the spirit of the thing!

Conchita, let us call it a day!
Take care and vaya con dios!