

Fixing the ceiling foundation

2009-06-22 17:39:32 | Weblog
Today, I coated yesterday's. Those from earlier coating sessions
were treated, but not coated. I want to shynchronize these
two lots for eventual matting.

So, I am now trying to create 8 spatulas, as shown below. They
are meant for serving rice. They will be side-banded.

I am right now concentrating my thoughts onto the eventual
roofing and ceiling work. I have a very clear view in that
I will be using 12mm plywoods for the roofing foundation,

and 6mm plywoods for the ceiling fundation. That much is crystal
clear. However, there are other crucial considerations,
regarding procedures for placing 2x4 and 2x6 materials.

Just take a look at the following schematic. Those in red
are 2x4, 2x6 materials and numbers on then do not mean
placing orders, just identification.

I have not included asphalt shingle materials with this

The fundamental problem here is one of procedures, nothing
but procedures. It is ever so easy to do the roofing as an
indpendent job, the same goes to outer walling work.

However, the whole idea is to go monococking and you just cannot
place 2x4 and 2x6 and say it is done. Not simple as that...

My current idea is this. 2 will be first clumped to the iron pipes.
Then, 3 will be clumped and 2 and 3 will be screwed together.
Only after that 6mm plywoods will be screwed to 2, and

insulating materials place above them, and only then 1 will be
placed in position. With 1 before 2, then I cannnot screw 2 and 3

Naturally, 1 and 2 will be bolted together, so will be 3 and 4.
However, bolting them will not stop them from sliding across
the piping structures. So, I will need some stopping mechanism, too.

I have been giving some thoughts about all this. My instinct says
this is OK. Once 2x materials are in place, then I can fix other
wooden materials to suit my purpose, I think...

I am probably thinking in the same way as to flooring.
2x materials are by no meas structural materials and the
whole idea is to combine metal pipes and 2x materials for

quasi structural stiffnes. Should work for a single storey house...

パエ-リャ 277

2009-06-22 17:26:53 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, ahora se busca mas y mas como una temporada de lluvias, con precipitaciones intermitentes, y sol entre en hechizos.

Ayer, me compre otro habanero y debe producir naranja habaneros. Estoy ansioso de verlos, pero hay una posibilidad muy fuerte que no lo hare.

Simplemente porque voy a ser en mi caba-nya de monta-nya, cuando estas plantas soportaran sus fruites en las mejores!

Entonces, vamos?

los procesos antes desconocidos

al ser preguntado por la repurcusion practica

自発的な対象性の破れ (物理現象)
la simetria quebrada espontanea

los constituyentes fundamentales de la materia

en la fisica subatomica

la carne contaminada podria haber llegado a 25 paises
つまり、haber sido exportada a hasta 25 paises

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

I am a little feeling uneasy!

I have not got a clue!

We can stick in this number into the formula!

It is not going one way or the other!

I thought he was going to drop dead!

Conchita, shall we leave it there? Take care!